
How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

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Okay, I'm gonna try to write a few lines about this (for ApexDC++). Raw commands are used for triggered actions (fake share, forbidden file in share etc. = cheats), your client detects the cheat and the raw command is executed. You don't give them out by yourself, but you can set the raws in your client, and you can assign the raws to certain cheats.

First of all you need to name the raw command, so you can indentify them later (when assigning cheats to them). You can do this in File\Settings\Advanced\Misc at the bottom "Raw texts". It's practical to name a raw after its content or after what it does (for example: Kick :()

The next step is assigning cheats to the raws. The simplest way and place to try them is (Settings\Advanced) the Fake Detector. After you select a cheat (Fake Share Raw for one) you can select the raw command for it under the cheat list (Set Action... what a good thing we named them before ;))

Now that you have successfully set a raw to a cheat, you actually need to input the raw command (which will be executed) in Favorite Hubs, in the properties of the hub where you want the raw to work, possibly several ones ("Raw command", above Connection, right to Hub and Indentification :P). I am not gonna write here the guide how to create raw commands, Sidey's raw guide is here. If you need any help with them, you can find me @ Tech Geeks Online. A short example for a fake detector cheat is here:

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|
If you are in a verli, you only need...
<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

Remember: the end of each raw command is always the pipe |

(%[userCS] varies depending of the cheat, it contains the cheat all the time, with this the same command could be used for a lot of cheats - in case of the Fake Share Raw mentioned above, something like this "x xxx xxx B - the share size had too many same numbers in it")

If you assigned the cheat to the raw, and set the raw in favorites, you are ready to go... You can do the same way with the other cheats in Fake Detector

Raw can also be assigned to ADLS entries and client types in ApexDC++.

For ADLS: open the entry's properties, and there select the raw (make sure it's enabled :lol:)

For (bad) clients: first, you'll need a client list loaded into your client (a good one is Then you can select what client or client cheats you wanna banish ^_^ (I strongly recommend ApexDC++ Speedmod ^_^), just select the client/client cheat in the list, click on Change, and set the raw command for it (left bottom).

**PLEASE NOTE** These two last will work only if you use "Check users on join" or you manually check filelists/clients... The ones in Fake Detector are working automatically (Disconnect, Fake Share etc.), of course only if you're OP in the hub.

I hope I could be of some help to anyone... :)

(and sorry for the typos)

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Good guide, thanks for writing it, sure it'll be of use to some of the more advanced/power users. :(

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Yes, and I hope to have more Raws soon, why not even unlimited with "Add new..." button? :unsure:

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Noctis you're the one :crying: :D:D

That's exactly what I needed.

You're great!! Thank you very very much for this very very good explanation.!

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a short addition regarding kicks (and redirections for that matter):

Kick: you can universally use $Kick %[userNI]|

Redirect: you can also universally use: $OpForceMove %[userNI]|

Note: wrote those from memory, will check the syntaxes when i get home :(

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Thanks again Noctis!

But I found a little error in your codes

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|
There is a pipe missing. As you wrote by yourself after each RAW-command there has to be a pipe. So the code should be
$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]>| !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

Edited by baba.runner

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You mean mine RAWS are wrong AGAIN??? :)

NOC? ;) :)

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$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

This one is good as a raw, but I missed something from it... Sorry lol. After the From To part comes the message you send to the user (most likely %[userCS]), then the pipe and your kick actually... So:

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

P.S.: baba.runner, the part after To From is and the To From part forms a part of the command as a whole... This one contains two: first is the

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userCS]|

And the second:

<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

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yes you're right noctis

I put the pipe on the wrong place

Thanks for the hint!!

No Zlobomir :P your raw is working fine with the missing pipe :)

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Z, your raws are good as far as I make them... lol :P J/K

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can someone post a list of userXX and myXX that can be used ?

or just a complete list of anything usable in a raw :D

Edited by Aztek

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Is it possible to add path and file name to the message when a user gets kicked or banned, like DCDM++ style? I tried before and my raws only displayed something like this: User was kicked by **** - 1 forbidden file [filename]

Like no path and no comment ... but this was in beta or 0.4.0

Could anybody help me?

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That is %[userCS] instead of %[fileFN] it works as full path with ADLS. ^_^

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That is %[userCS] instead of %[fileFN] it works as full path with ADLS. ^_^

thx very much! :)

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That is %[userCS] instead of %[fileFN] it works as full path with ADLS. ^_^

Noctis, sorry, it doesn't work the way I'd like to have it, it looks like this:

[13:48:54] <#[repørt]> [Kick] diablo wurde gekickt von #[døjø] Grund: Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1

My RAW looks like this:

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> Du wurdest gekickt! Grund: %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

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Just tested it in TGO with the raw command you posted:

[15:45:48] <#[HeadGeeks Lounge]> [kick] FrozenNoctis was kicked by [OP]Noctis because: Sharing 1 forbidden files including Apex Beta Testing\Testing Full Path in Raw\Kiddy porn fake test file.avi, comment: none, 5 times = ban

I'm using the newest alpha but I remember it worked with previous version(s).

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Just tested it in TGO with the raw command you posted:

[15:45:48] <#[HeadGeeks Lounge]> [kick] FrozenNoctis was kicked by [OP]Noctis because: Sharing 1 forbidden files including Apex Beta Testing\Testing Full Path in Raw\Kiddy porn fake test file.avi, comment: none, 5 times = ban

I'm using the newest alpha but I remember it worked with previous version(s).

Could you please post the complete RAW for this action? THX!

I can't imagine why it doesn't work for me

Or is it anything else what I do wrong, maybe the RAW command has to be written in seperate lines? ^_^

Edited by Lizard

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baba.runner: they are used the same way, you just have to pay attentions to hub commands, because they differ in YnHub and PtokaX.

Lizard: I used the raw command that you posted eariler (exactly), I don't think it has to be written in seperate lines. Are you doing it with the latest alpha version?

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The Raw Manager has changed in the later alpha's remember.

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Yes, but the raw command works for Lizard, but it doesn't display the full path of the forbidden file... it does in my client.

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Could you please post the complete RAW for this action? THX!

I can't imagine why it doesn't work for me

Or is it anything else what I do wrong, maybe the RAW command has to be written in seperate lines? :unsure:

I use this one and it works fine

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being kicked because: %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

Lizard try your RAW with the english text! Please! And let us know the result!

I also tried once with the german text, but it did not work too!

Edited by baba.runner

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I use this one and it works fine

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being kicked because: %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|

Lizard try your RAW with the english text! Please! And let us know the result!

I also tried once with the german text, but it did not work too!

It does not work unfortunately, I copied the RAW exactly as you posted it here, but the same effect:

[13:34:25] <#[repørt]> [Kick] mrmims wurde gekickt von #[døjø] Grund: Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1

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