
How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

34 posts in this topic

It does not work unfortunately, I copied the RAW exactly as you posted it here, but the same effect:

[13:34:25] <#[repørt]> [Kick] mrmims wurde gekickt von #[døjø] Grund: Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1

If you use my RAW, how can you get the german text in the message?

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If you use my RAW, how can you get the german text in the message?

I tested it now with a standard DC++ Client, same as before:

<#[døjø]> Du wurdest gekickt wegen: User Client: DC++ 0.68x - 0.69x // info: Standard User Client - Webpage: Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1

The RAW for this action was as following:

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> Du wurdest gekickt wegen: %[userCM] %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCM] %[userCS]|

So it seems to me, that %[userCS] doesn't work for me, %[userCM] is working fine though. :P

So %[userCS] just seems to tell this:"Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1". No path and filename!

I don't get it :unsure:

Edited by Lizard

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got this from somewhere,

make good use of it, i know i have :unsure:

[Info] Variables witch can be used in Raw or User Commands

List of all Variables witch can be used in StrongDC++ Raw or User Commands

Discovered Variables:

Usage: %[command] ie. %[userNI]

Usable in search window:

fileFN - Filename

Usable in search window and on user Nick:

line:title - Display DialogBox with "title" with edit field. Those what you write in it it will be replaced by this command. ie %[line:Kick_Reason]

*[user/my] - chose one of ie.: myNI, userU4

[user/my]NI - Display nick

[user/my]DE - Display description

[user/my]I4 - Display IP

[user/my]U4 - Display UDP port (not working in my sdc 2.01, 2.02)

[user/my]EM - Display email

[user/my]CO - Display connection type

Variables avaible after fake check("Get user response" and "Check File List"):

userCS - Cheating string (for dc clients defined in: "Settings->Advanced\Fake detector\Clients" in properties of list items)

userCT - Client type

userSS - Size of share in bytes (from MyInfo string)

userSSshort - Formated size of share

userRS - Real size of share (checked by "Check File List" test)

userLS - File list size (not working in my sdc 2.01, 2.02)

userLL - File list size in bytes

userFD - {FileListDisconnects} (Bug: Don't show number of disconnects)[not work in sdc 2.01, 2.02]

userTO - {ConnectionTimeouts} (Bug: Don't show correct number of timeouts ei. TO=6 it show 3)[not working in sdc 2.01, 2.02]

userTC - Display 1 if "Get user response" is complete

userFC - Display 1 if "Check File List" is complete

userBC - Display 1 if client is bad/fake

userBF - Display 1 if fle list is bad/fake

userST - {Status} [undiscovered]

userTS - Display answer of "Get user response" test

userCM - Comment (for dc clients defined in: "Settings->Advanced\Fake detector\Clients" in properties of list items)

userOP - Display 1 if user is OP

ussrHU - Display 1 if user is hubbot (in NMDC = wrote in chat but it never sent $Hello and $MyInfo)

userBO - Display 1 if user is Bot (user w/o connection type in NMDC)

uuserHI - Display 1 if user is Hidden

userTA - Display user Tag

userVE - Display user client version

userHN - Display number of hubs where user dont have account(reg/vip)

userHR - Display number of hubs where user have account

userHO - Display number of hubs where user have OP account

userSL - Display number of user slots

userRG - Display 1 if user is registered on hub

userAW - Returns whether user has set away status (designed for <a href="" target="_blank" class="postlink">ADC only) [ps.User commands not working/display on adc hubs]

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I think we already have a thread for it here, and I included that in the first post. :unsure:

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Hi peeps, if anyone could post some working Raw commands for VerliHub soft i would be very thankfull.

Im happy with anything (as long as its working) lol :)

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It's more simple for Verlihub, because you don't need the "$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> blabla" part since Verli sends the reason in a PM to the user automatically (from you). So... kick and ban raws are just like if you were typing in main chat... except you have <%[myNI]> in the start and a pipe in the end.| :)

<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS] _ban_1d|

(Kick user with cheat and bans them for a day)

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It's more simple for Verlihub, because you don't need the "$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> blabla" part since Verli sends the reason in a PM to the user automatically (from you). So... kick and ban raws are just like if you were typing in main chat... except you have <%[myNI]> in the start and a pipe in the end.| :)

<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS] _ban_1d|

(Kick user with cheat and bans them for a day)

Thank you very much Noctis. :)

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i have a problem with a raw on verlihub

i want to ban an user for 2 weeks because he is using a leecher client

the command should be :

!bannick_15d <nick> <reason>
so i use:
 $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !bannick_15d %[userNI] %[userCS]|
but it doesn't work
$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS] _ban_15d|

this one works but still don t understand why the first doesn t work :)

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This on just timebans the users nick without kicking them from the hub.

$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] {:content:}lt;%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !bannick_15d %[userNI] %[userCS]|
This one issues a kick to kick them out of the hub followed by timebanning the nick. Big difference in commands.
$To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] {:content:}lt;%[myNI]> %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS] _ban_15d|

Edited by Mikey

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