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Slow Disconnects

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This is really frustrating - and for *most* users, useless. It should be MY decision as a user whether I want to have slow downloads disconnect. If the only user(s) with a file I want happen to have crappy connections, I'd rather get the file over a long period of time than not get it at all! WHY can you programmers not understand the LOGIC in that? It's plain & simple - it should be a PER FILE, USER option - if I'm getting a file that has 200 sources, sure I might want to have slow connections weeded out, but with rare files (and those are pretty much the ONLY things I download - I don't do all the "popular" movies & crap like that) being able to stay connected at slow speeds is a NECESSITY.

Again, just like with the partial file sharing (and let's face it, the VAST majority of DC users do NOT use multisource and may hub out and out ban its use), this should be a decision that *I* make - WHY do you care about what choices a user makes? I can't see it as being anything other than pure ego - "I can control what you get"

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  Big Muscle said:
you shouldn't be on DC... other people want to download too!!! and not only you!!!

Agreed, and to DeathStalker77: I'm leaving this topic open, but i'll be watching it very closely...

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Settings -> Limits -> Enable slow downloads disconnecting

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  Lee said:
Settings -> Limits -> Enable slow downloads disconnecting

Nah Lee he means the automatic slow source dropping of very slow users, which is there for segmented dl's and cannot be turned off...

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This has nothing to do with sharing or not sharing things - it has *everything* with being able to download things. Not everyone on DC has a fast connection - this feature totally screws a user if the ONLY sources for a file have slow or bad connections. Disabling it (and no, sorry, I do not believe it "can't be turned off" - that's a programmer cop-out, no ifs, ands, or buts) will do NOTHING to harm downloads. You act as if EVERYONE on DC uses a segmented client - guess what? They don't - the majority probably never will - not until DC++ implements it, and that is something the developers have said they will never do. Making this a USER choice will not change ANYTHING except for the ability of people to GET files easier. You can always enable it if that's what a user chooses.

What is it about this that you all don't seem to understand???

And "watching this"? You don't like that I speak my mind - AND speak the truth about things? Virtually ALL of the responses I have gotten since I first posted on here and StrongDC have stated "it can't be done" - I don't beleive that, plain & simple. The second reason given has been it will hurt DC - again, wrong. You put in a virtually useless feature like a limiter - which is banned in pretty much every hub, but you steadfastly refuse to incorporate features which would HELP a user.

The bottom line is that you developers, as a group, cannot seem to take any criticism of your work - you simply want everyone to praise you. And yes, I do that - I *do* thank you for good programs - I do not thank you for your "we're always right" attitude. I post because I want the programs to be even better.

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  DeathStalker77 said:
Making this a USER choice will not change ANYTHING except for the ability of people to GET files easier.

easier? no, because there will be no free slot in the network.

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My answer to you is if you don't like what a client does, why not use one that does what you want. Thats your choice don't moan at coders that are doing a hard job making an excelent client that the majority of us want.

If you don't like this comment try learning coding then you can adjust the client to your specs

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  Big Muscle said:
easier? no, because there will be no free slot in the network.

Big Muscle, with all due respect, that makes absolutely *zero* sense. Slots will be used regardless of what the speed is. Whether I connect to User A at 1k or User B at 200k it is still a slot used - and if User C, whose connection is only 500B is the ONLY source for the file I'm looking for, then YOU screw me out of that file because of your insistance on this - it is absolutely, unequicably not necessary - and there is no justification for it whatsoever. A slot used is a slot used - period, no ifs, and, or buts.

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  DeathStalker77 said:
Big Muscle, with all due respect, that makes absolutely *zero* sense. Slots will be used regardless of what the speed is. Whether I connect to User A at 1k or User B at 200k it is still a slot used - and if User C, whose connection is only 500B is the ONLY source for the file I'm looking for, then YOU screw me out of that file because of your insistance on this - it is absolutely, unequicably not necessary - and there is no justification for it whatsoever. A slot used is a slot used - period, no ifs, and, or buts.

I believe people understand that the system needs improvement, so if there's only one slow user for a file, it shouldn't remove them. But you've come at us the completely wrong way, and therefore I doubt neither Big Muscle or Crise would want to satisfy your needs. If you don't disconnect slower users, you're downloading off more users = more slots taken.

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  DeathStalker77 said:
Big Muscle, with all due respect, that makes absolutely *zero* sense. Slots will be used regardless of what the speed is. Whether I connect to User A at 1k or User B at 200k it is still a slot used

yes, if you connect to A and to B, and it will disconnect A, then it will eat only 1 slot except of 2.. btw you should know that slow sources are automatically disconnected when it downloads at least 2 segments at once. Source won't be disconnected when it's single segment.

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  DeathStalker77 said:
not until DC++ implements it, and that is something the developers have said they will never do.
They have not said that. :D

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  Big Muscle said:
yes, if you connect to A and to B, and it will disconnect A, then it will eat only 1 slot except of 2.. btw you should know that slow sources are automatically disconnected when it downloads at least 2 segments at once. Source won't be disconnected when it's single segment.

BM, I had a file last night that would *not* retain any users - there were 4 users in the queue, but all of them had slow connections and it kept removing ALL of them and showing No Users. There was only 1 segment downloading at a time - never had 2 connections at the same time.

Maybe it's not intended to disconnect in this fashion, but it apparently is.

I don't intend to show any disrespect, I just don't mince words - if there's a specific, technical, protocol, or programming reason that something cannot be done, I can understand that when those specific reasons/explanations are given - I just don't buy the blanket statement of "it can't be done".

With regard to the slot issue, the bottom line is that *someone* is going to connect to the slow users, disconnecting them simply leaves them with open, unused slots. I just do not understand why none of you can see that this does not make a difference except to make downloads take longer - I repeat that users can still have the option set as default, or activate it on a per file basis.

How about this - instead of making it a full option (as I would personally like), make the option to not disconnect a per file option ?

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