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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Feature Requests

    I know you didn't particularly want another thread, but these really does need one, the other thread shouldn't become too cluttered and there are a lot of seperate ideas you have put forward. :)
  2. [Support] back to 0.22 ?

    Heh, if you are on many hubs and checking many lists etc. then this high CPU usage may be possible. If this is the reason then you just need to do less with the client. More detail is needed.
  3. Isn't µtorrent's incomplete file extention .!UT as opposed to .UT?
  4. Linux version?

    [quote name='
  5. Yep, and do it with many files and your router won't like it, leading to slower pings and possibly connect timeouts etc.
  6. ApexDC++ OP

    Hmmm, good question. It would probably be required by a lot of OPs so I would think it's very likely it would be included.
  7. birthdays

    I'm in the original Surrey. ^_^
  8. Released: ApexDC++ 0.3.0 (Preview 3)

    Ah right, thought he meant on 0.2.2, makes sense now. :ermm:
  9. Released: ApexDC++ 0.3.0 (Preview 3)

    Oh, the update check is just a feature built into the client which is used to detect if the client has been updated and then informs the user until opening Apex if there is and sending them to the website to download it.
  10. Better directory error report

    Exactly what I was thinking. :P
  11. Auto-Get file list from...

    I can see why you might want it, but to give enough customizability for it to be useful to many users would take a while and it;ll use extra CPU I'd have thought. There's other stuff I'd much rather see in Apex first.
  12. Show usernames and IPs in searchspy

    Useful to kick users who are searching for the kind of stuff which implies they arn't the kind of person you want on a hub. Amusing when you ask them not to search for it too, they always log straight off.
  13. Apex sounds

    Shame I don't seem to have much time anymore, I started creating some toolbar icons for apex which never got finished... doub thtey will now, oh well. As for these sounds, I don't have much of an opinion, the only sound that I want coming out of my computing is music so I have all application and windows sounds disabled.
  14. just a few ideas

    LUA is a scripting/programming language. As for the browser thing... don't leave out Opera. Anyway, if Apex uses MSIE engine at any time I;ll be pretty ashamed to use it.
  15. Personally I use hotkeys to show/hide (and run if notrunning) my most used programs... except things which have multiple windows (eg. Opera). Anyway, you could just do Alt+Space then N.
  16. extended dchub:// links ?

    If it's easy enough to implement then I'm all for it, although there's plenty of other things just waiting to be done.
  17. I like the idea, in fact I'd like to see this availble for mainchat too if it's easy to do.
  18. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    It's a matter of there being lots to do. If being a pain gets features requests you want implemented then do it. :P
  19. birthdays

    IF?! THEORY?! It's pure fact. :P
  20. Released: ApexDC++ 0.3.0 (Preview 3)

    What do you mean? You can download it via the Download page.
  21. These are really core things I would ahve thought and would require a lot of changing and probably be hard to maintain in future when merging with other clients. If it was a simple task it would have been done, improving the efficiency or such a large program now would be far from an easy task.
  22. Turn off multisource?

    If you;re not sure you probably can't. Well, not easily. :D
  23. birthdays

    Topic was very misleading. No one really ses the higher ports so it's probably even more extreme than the birthday paradox as people are often and lazy and would put in less digits than the maximum possible so those high numbers will very rarely be choosen.
  24. [Bug/Support] Update Check Error Again!

    As far as I am aware this is new to a change in the way the update check works in newer versions... It has been changed and so has the data it requires (sored in the XML file). As such, the XML file is in a different format and cannot be parsed/understood by older clients. This is very unfortunate, but I was lead to believe this was corrected a while ago.
  25. [Support] User with fireball

    Hehe, as has been covered their is no typo. However, maybe if it;s not clear to people the description should be changed? "Fast (100kB/s+) fireball user." may be more appropriate, I mean someone has picked up on it and been mislead so it;s obviously not too clear.