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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Search Intervals

    Yes, if the hub allows you to, Settings>Advanced>Experts Only, search interval set to 15.
  2. P2P Communication Across NAT

    DC runs fine on NAT, I have NAT enabled, so long as your ports are forwarded it's fine.
  3. Why?

    Try running diagnostics on your pc, malware checks and defrag, also how big is your queue?
  4. Huh?

    I turn it off because it all software firewalls suck :)
  5. Huh?

    TLS is an encryption protocol, it is used in ADC hubs, however, is there is no value in there ADC hubs will use NMDC transfer protocol's. So it is not important, if you want to try it, enter an open TCP port in there.
  6. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    ehm....the hub is full, what of it? keep trying....
  7. IP auto update

    try using dyndns in the meantime.
  8. Dynamic IP's with ApexDC++

    Make sure update ip on startup is NOT checked and also allow Dont allow hub/upnp to override IS checked. Also, log into and check your ip is currently up to date.
  9. Dynamic IP's with ApexDC++

    your dyndns address will need a prefix. Something like it will be whatever you signed up as your hostname when you created your account. Also, it will update your ip on the fly when it has an application to allow you, or your router, which router are you using?
  10. Hellooooow

  11. Area 51 open: 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Use the username and password from the Area 51 thread to download the program. Once you have extracted it, use your forum user and pass to log in to the program.
  12. Area 51 open: 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Enter the password from area51, and the username.
  13. Huh?

    Ehm....set the ports to 1414 not *414.
  14. Huh?

    Reset network interface to an restart dc and try again.
  15. Multiply Search

    Surely it is just as easy to type into search box as into notepad?
  16. Dynamic IP's with ApexDC++

    Have you set up your dyndns to log in? Through your router for example?
  17. Unreachable host problem :S

    Make sure your firewall is allowing the ApexDC++.exe
  18. Search Problem on Windows Vista

    Make 2 rules, one for tcp and one for udp.
  19. Missing

    It should, but I have seen anomalies in this.
  20. Search Problem on Windows Vista

    TCP and UDP do not need to be the same btw, but you can try it for troubleshooting. I use TCP and UDP different.
  21. Missing

    If files are deleted or corrupt in the share it may cause ops to see this. But RAWS shouldnt pick up on it.
  22. I would like to be able to share all my rar's in one hub. Thats the only one I want, I have a few rar hub's I would like to share only my rar's in.
  23. New file notification

    Such as? Dont say there are ways to mitigate it then not tell us how??? Secondly, what about on a hub with 15000 users?
  24. Surely certain limit's could be put on it? Such as you must share a minimum of 75% of your total shared data or summit? iono.
  25. [Crash]

    Try downloading the new build, B5 and let us know if the crash still happens.