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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Will fix the installer for next version hopefully..

    I would have fixed that issue, but i had no idea which reg key was the correct one to delete... (this issue is puerly related to installer change...)

  2. Me, it happened 2 times when my friend sent me PM. Now I uninstalled and installed again, so I will see if it will repeat.

    were you using default settings? also this trashes the pm from bot idea :crying:

    Also someone who is having this crash needs to give us an example pm causing it...

  3. Yes, I can confirm that - I was watching it when it happened (it was a Hub PM, if that's of any assistance) Running XP SP2

    What kind of PM exactly it was? as in hubs where i am in i get hub PM's fine without crashes...

  4. Hi. I think in the options--> misc menu should have a place for a little menu for smileys where you could change what xml file is in use for smileys. :crying:

    You can do that by right clicking the smiley button in hubframe or privateframe :ermm:

  5. The crash is down to receiving a new PM, and the popup balloon notification is enabled... I think that's what's happening. Can anyone confirm?

    Nope, can't not on XP SP2 anyways... all working smoothly here. :crying:

  6. -Ability to set how long the popup ballons stay for

    I admit i didn't test that one much but it still worked fine, test with single balloon popup, or with "window popups" and you can suerly see the difference :crying:

  7. version 0.2.0 sends it after each finished chunk, so if I am in LAN, it will be sent every second.. and as I said--many such users in the hub and partial sources won't be able to search anything, because their UDP interface will be full of $PSR commands.

    Lee, BM has a valid point in here... and you can't get around it no matter what you say...

    and it's no point in arguing about this matter Lee, you say udp spammage improves speeds, maybe that's true i dunno... but it's not worth of it as sending $PSR every 5 minutes or so should be well enough...

  8. In the settings part where the interface is for the peerguardian controls it stays the same as when no plugin is installed. I even tried re-downloading the plugin incase that had been updated. As a result i have gone back to the earlier version of the client till there is a workaround. Keep up the good work on an excellent client.

    It's not a bug but a feature...

    Let me guess you have either PG2 or protowall installed...

  9. The Download site given for the peerGuardian Plugin download on your site does not work -- Page will not display. Is there somewhere else I can get the Plugin

    The link works very well

  10. Looks like the new version has a problem with the peerguardian plugin.

    On the whole the new version looks better with the exception of this problem.

    i even tried a full uninstall & then a clean install but still the same problem, the new client doesn't seem to see the plugin as being there

    How do you know it doesn't see it?

  11. 1. If to not uninstall APEXDC 0.1.0 and instaling ApexDC 0.2.0 in Windows Unistaller there are at once two programs.

    2. +1 user i.e. if 10 that shows them 11 began to show.

    Sorry, don't understand what you mean, could you posibbly try to explain again...

  12. Is it TSL or TLS?

    Let's turn this into a bonafide [albeit nit-pickin'] bug report. At the top of the Security Settings dialog box it says "TSL." All other references I've seen say "TLS." Either way, I still have no idea what it stands for or why it needs a TCP/UDP port of its own.

    Sorry, my mistake :D

    And while we're reporting nit-pickin' spelling errors... The message during list generation that begins "User has choosen not to share..." drives me absolutely nuts (like fingernails on a blackboard) every time I see it. That is obviously a transplant from PWDCC. Would somebody PLEASE fix it before it perpetuates any further?

    Heh, it's just a spelling error, why it annoys you so much?