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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Feedback

    Ok, to get this discussion out of the pro's and con's of the IPB (which it has mostly been about this far) What do people think about the "Support multiple language discussions" or "Translatable section for guides" as I see they've got some votes yet no comments has been posted. I personally think that translating some guides to f.ex. russian would be good idea... also support multiple language discussions sounds good, but a) is there enough demand for it and do we have people that are capable of moderating those sections. As for Keines idea about splitting the the support and bug reports to solved and "open" that would sound as a good idea as well...
  2. Updates

    Well apart the fact that we missing two, all looking good :thumbsup:
  3. Here you have your fix (i think) add in the beginning of ShareManager::addTree: //reset the sizes to avoid increasing the share size on every refresh dir.size = 0; add in the beginning of ShareManager::rebuildIndices: //for statusbar sharedSize = 0;
  4. [bug][crash][0.3.0]

    That's not a crash, it's freezing :thumbsup:
  5. Search for similar Files

    Yep, TTH doesn't care about file name... but even a one byte difference in file content means different TTH (metadata differences in media files f.ex.) As for the request what good would it do if you can search for similar files, because you can't add them to your download anyways (assuming that the TTH is different, as if it isn't they will get added to the file in regular search for alternates)
  6. Favorite hubs

    I have my own plans for favorite hubs window, let's see if i can make them work (dunno if i'll fo it for 0.4.0 tho.)
  7. No but i don't need to, as this ain't any special error message specific to DC, but standard socket error message... so it very much can also be legit in some cases. (the text actually comes from windows)
  8. Then there would be a risk of exposure in other areas :)
  9. Note that this error message can also be "legit" (read: plain network problems on the hub side) Also seeker, if you use DC++ emulation, your old connection type is "converted" to new one so that your connection type wouldn't give you away...
  10. Yeah confirmed long time ago, and fixed same bug at searchframe also...
  11. Probably it doesn't matter

    Thank you for your crappy criticism, mister... Firstly Apex/Strong didn't fuck up the DC community, because... Apex/Strong didn't take this turn first fulDC was the first to do it, then DC++ removed support for NMDC (non-tth) filelists etc. ... and I could bet in the future the list will get even longer. You can't expect old versions be supported forever, or do you find microsoft providing support nor updates for windows 3.1? If you don't like DC evolving, go ahead download oDC and use it instead... (and expect the content that'll be available to you shrink more and more in the future)
  12. Turn on you TAG

    It's not a bug, and I can't do anything to it (it's the hubsoft and/or hub admins, not the client)
  13. My Ideas

    Nope not for the time being...
  14. Linux Project Development

    client/ADLSearch.h:161: error: ‘KB’ is not a member of ‘ResourceManager’ client/ADLSearch.h:162: error: ‘MB’ is not a member of ‘ResourceManager’ client/ADLSearch.h:163: error: ‘GB’ is not a member of ‘ResourceManager’ Those mean that you need to add those to StringDefs.h or equivalent (note zero knowledge of linux programming)
  15. My Ideas

    Okay DC++ (and it's countless variants) are P2P applications, but DC as a network is also very community oriented and thus it makes sense that some of the clients for it have some features that are not for P2P clients, but are more typically seen in an IM or Chat programs. (ok the winamp toolbar itself does not fit to any of the two, but media spams do). I'm not saying that I'm a big fan of media spamming myself, but now days it has that something in it, that it didn't have at the time of 0.3.0 :blushing:
  16. I tried this, and true it changes but in my apex the sharesize is reset to correct value when i press OK at the settings window
  17. BM did reply to your post very well and if i'd do what my brain tells me to I'd delete this post, but I personally got very pissed off by your attitude, so here is my response as well... Okay, calm down and don't say things unless you know them as valid... Which you can't in this case, because as far as I know you are not me or even myself and no you not I either... and I don't think you are Lee. As for your comment "Apex developers are trying to force their own opinions through software.", yes and no, you see I have my reasons to add or not to add certain features to ApexDC or to do changes to it, which are often directly or indirectly related to my opinions and views but sometimes the reason behind a feature, change or the decision not to include it are not based on my opinion alone or not at all, but instead the reasons for adding it outweigh the reasons for not adding it or vice versa. (but also note that the word force is completely wrong in your statement, we by no means force you to use ApexDC) As for "and just make hard time to all of us.", I believe there are many that can say that this change hasn't made there life any harder, ok sometimes everyone will get annoyed because of this, even I get annoyed because of this change sometimes, but you know I can live with it, because I know that once time passes this annoyance will slowly become more and more rare... but just to make it clear our intention never was to specifically make users have hard time. As for "If some client are outdated then they should not be able to connect to DC at all", this just isn't possible in a network like DC and you should've realized it by now. As for "It is not up to developer to decide who to I would connect and why.", Oh your right we (developers) are not deciding who you would connect nor why, we only decide what our programs support and what they doesn't, this way we decide to how old clients our programs can connect to but no means we decide who you would connect to because we can't, we are not you. And as that being said I'm now taking similar attitude that you did above... Just face it in open source world, in our (GPL) case anyways, the developer has no obligation to support any versions/technologies he doesn't want to, just as he has no obligation to keep the software maintained nor provide warranty for it... as is said in countless places: (esp. note the place about fitness for particular purpose) And no we are also not required to listen what the users say, we however chose to do so but nothing prevents us from doing otherwise any time, any day, any country... or any case. In other words ApexDC is provided "as is" or "not at all" those are the choices we give to you, if you choose the later just press the "Delete" button on top of ApexDC.exe Please also note Lee, I and others do this without getting anything, we don't/didn't get the food we eat by doing this nor the clothes we wear or the place we live in. We do this on our free time while living our regular life, to get all the aforementioned things and more.
  18. Web Server Passwords

    Yes, but i think that can be changed, not that it's really necessary though imo.
  19. I Would Like To See In Next Version

    Cool idea, and could've been done if the only player supported would be Winamp, but as it's no longer so I don't think it's wise to add it as the added player supports stress the app more than Winamp does, so having an auto updating preview would simply be waste of resources for WMP iTunes and MPC players and adding it for just winamp seems bit pointless to me... There are two programs named avipreview which one you mean? Okay all that would be cool, and some of them can probably be added at some point, but not all, as some would turn out to be hard to manage Another cool and useful idea, if i had any idea in how i could get to that info i'd certainly add it :thumbsup: just use the existing report function :)
  20. Assuming that with personal you mean PM logging, if so that's the reason as "Open user log" is for PM logs :)
  21. Probably specific to your logging setup :thumbsup:
  22. Crash On Sending Pm With 0.3.0

    Which of those is the crash report you talking about in this topic :thumbsup: Edit: Attachments work flawlessly here...
  23. per hub customization

    Works fine here :thumbsup:
  24. Blocking specific IP's in ApexDC++

    Yeah the later is the proper way...
  25. Blocking specific IP's in ApexDC++

    Hub connections are not blocked, i never made it so that it could do that... As for huge ranges, there is one range that I have "banned" so that it cannot be blocked, but guess I'll need to revise that a bit...