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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Sort Tabs

    There is already option for opening non-hub tabs in the front which pretty much achieves this effect you suggest
  2. Ignore the ID3 tag while hashing

    As for this it might be a good idea, however if something like this were to be done for DC it should be done in DC++ itself rather than in a mod...
  3. Game: Guess the DC++ client

    Black DC is correct...
  4. yes zk, dcdm etc. should be able to download from apexdc just fine... (as long as they support xml filelists) however you are not able to download from DCDM nor zk <= 0.666 with ApexDC++. Edit: and Zion etc. work fine in all ways (Zion especially because it's StrongDC based just like Apex is)
  5. Game: Guess the DC++ client

    Ok will switch it, you not gonna guess it Here is the new one:
  6. Well every client that supports xml filelists works just fine with ApexDC++ as far as uploading goes (because apexdc does not block uploading to clients that don't support tthl, tthf... it only does not download files from these clients)
  7. Game: Guess the DC++ client

    DC++ don't have that many buttons in toolbar :shifty:
  8. Game: Guess the DC++ client

    There again ps: look at the toolbar buttons
  9. Game: Guess the DC++ client

  10. Longest uptime?

    7 to 8 days, at times when I am not working on anything, when I seriously work on something or do tests with memory usage etc. the uptimes vary from 1-2 hours to 24 hours depending what I am testing..
  11. Which console do you prefer?

    No no you all wrong, good old DOS beats them all, oh all the classics :thumbsup: (ok not a console really, but if it has to be a console then it's super nintendo)
  12. Apexin uutta versiota odotellessa

    Jaa'a ei okeen olis mun asia totsta ruveta kauheesti raottelemaan ennen kun tekijä päättää ite tehdä hommasta enemmän julkista :thumbsup: Sen voin kuitenkin sanoa, että sen mitä tuota olen kokeillut niin kohtuu mukavasti toimii, ja gpl clinu se on että kun julkastaan niin ainakin sillä saralla on asiat kunnossa... ja ei pitäisi tuhottoman kauaa enää mennä, grafiikat ja muutama bugi on vielä riesana (myönnän kyllä että pari noista on suoraan ApexDCstä, muttei siitä sen enempää... *viheltelee* ja kyllä Zionistaki on varmaan osa, mutta zionin bugeista ainakin muutama tullaan korjamaan allekirjoittaneen toimesta).
  13. 500,000 downloads milestone

    Download counts for PWDC++ are listed here "PeerWeb DC++ existed for 10 months - which received 12 release versions and over 50,000 downloads." -- History Page So yes not even near :)
  14. Apexin uutta versiota odotellessa

    Mitä Zioniin tulee niin en kommentoi voipi olla että tulis julkasukelvotonta materiaalia Ja jos tosiaan joka clinu on perseestä, niin siitä sitten vaan taltta kauniiseen käteen ja eikun väsäämään parempaa (voinen nyt kuitenkin sanoa että kohtuu mukavan näkoinen Zionin tapainen clinu on tulossa, enkä puhu nyt apexdc:stä vaikka onhan tuo uusin apexsin versiokin oikein mukava ). Ja mitä sensurointiin tulee, niin en kyllä kovin herkästi ryhdy siihen hommaan jollei anneta oikein hyvää syytä...
  15. Protected users in apex

    almost correct, the list(s) in apexdc don't use regexp :)
  16. Report filename to op´s

    usercommands :D
  17. No, because there is nothing to fix :(
  18. ApexDC++ OP

    Ok lets make this clear now ApexDC's OP version is on hold for undefined time, the new version I (and a handful of testers) have has incorporated some OP features that I see as necessity to have so that what's in strongdc already becomes more usable... But until otherwise stated the main focus of development will not be in the CDM or other Operator features.
  19. Simple there are network setups where many people may share only a single or a few real IP's...
  20. There is an option to avoid partial sharing already (disable segmented downloading) as mentioned by Big Muscle and Kulmegil... and that's the way it's going to stay, sorry.
  21. Swedish Forum

    I'm on it, sorta forgot... Edit: Ok done, if there is any errors in forum description or title tell me so I can fix it (as my Swedish sucks )
  22. [1.0.0B2] files.xml.bz2 bug

    Not quite but close enough ;)
  23. spellchecking

    Nah, who wants to fix stuff, that's boring... besides bugs are just... hmm... features waiting for removal, yes that's it (if someone didn't realize not being too serious here)

    which client it is that returns you invalid request?
  25. user checking

    Those three won't ever be included, why because I don't trust their accuracy at all... and that is to do with the fact that those checks were developed long time ago.