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About Mek

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    Slovak Translator
  • Birthday 03/05/87

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    Žilina, Slovakia
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    Geocaching, hiking, IT, programming

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  1. Thanks, that was really unexpected I believe i found 2 minor bugs. - I had a hublist configured, that the new version alerted me is fraudulent ( After I removed it using the Configure button, then closed hublist tab and reopened it again, it warned me about the removed hublist address again. But it was no longer configured. This was only solved after restart of Apex. - Tray icon is always present, even if Apex is not minimized. I believe that in old version, it was only present if Apex was minimized to tray-
  2. I think you could use the "IP" field of favorite hub, fill your external IP there, it overrides global setting (that one in Settings - Connection settings).
  3. Pruning obsolete entries from HashIndex.xml

    Well, I would think that /rebuild would fix that and if not than it is a bug. And yes, development is dead
  4. Owner internal ip

    I think you are posting to incorrect forum. This forum is about ApexDC++, a client, not Lua DCH. Generally, you, as an owner, connect to the hub server's LAN address if it is on the same LAN as your client PC, or localhost if it is on the same PC. And in your client, you should set Active or Passive connection as usual. If you use one of the "firewall" (manual port forwarding etc.), fill your external IP, not the internal one.
  5. This looks like an error while saving the hash database (not error sharing files) so possibly the files will be hashed again and again after you restart Apex. I would say, try to run Apex as administrator, and second, you can try checking your fillesystem (use the chkdsk utility).
  6. Help Please

    Just copy the whole ApexDC++ folder from AppData over to the new PC to same path and Apex should pick up the settings when it starts.
  7. Help Please

    Sure, it depends on whether you used the installer or slim package. For installer, all settings can be found in the folder C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\ApexDC++ and for the slim package, you can copy the whole folder of ApexDC++ and it will preserve its settings.
  8. Duplicate hubs in "Recent hubs" list

    Unfortunately, there is no way for Apex to know that hubs with different address are in fact the same hub. Of course, any edits to your Recents xml should be preserved.
  9. Windows Defender found threat

    ApexDC++ is safe (virustotal analysis). The file may have been infected somewhere else, maybe on your own PC...?
  10. Did Team Elite win?

    Hi, what should we do and why should we be against them? At least somebody keeps the DC network alive.
  11. i cant connect any hubs why

    This is only error from update check (perhaps issues with connection to update server). What error do you get while trying to connect to a hub?
  12. Built in Anti-SPAM

    IP is empty because hub does not send it. The vast majority of hubs does that to conserve bandwidth. You can find out the IP only if you connect to the user (e.g. by downloading filelist), but most probably you won't be able to connect to that user either because those are often bots programmed solely for spamming and not supporting P2P connections. You cannot block PMs, but you can have them open in a non-focused window by default so a PM does not popup while you are in the middle of doing other stuff. You can also put a user to ignored users, but that is useless if his nick is changing. Sadly, that are all your options.
  13. All solutions you suggest, would be considered as making "roadblocks" for other users to get your files, and may be considered cheating in many hubs. IP database also might be inaccurate, as sometimes ranges of IPs change their assigned country. And perhaps the user only connects from Turkey, but is actually of a different nation. Let him choose what he downloads and if he has use for it. If you think the file would be of no use to him, you can still contact him via PM with explanation.
  14. multiple hdd to speed up download

    Incomplete files are downloaded to the folder you set in settings, and there is only one folder. If there were multiple, how would Apex know which one it should use and when...?
  15. Built in Anti-SPAM

    Hello, it is a nice idea that would be welcome by others too I am sure. Anyway, if you get spammed, maybe you could contact hub owners/operators to deal with the spam by banning the IPs and users?