
[Support][0.2.0] partial connection

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i don't know if it's me or the client has a little bug ...

sometimes it sais when i set everything correctly to active mode (setting portforwarding in my router, allowing everything to the client in my firewall, and setting the correct ports in the connection settings.

when i click on "test connection" it sais "partial connection, udp ok, tcp not okay for my address" other time it sais no problem.

so i can't download in active mode when it sais partial connection.

and what should i do with "network interface" ? should i leave it on ? or should i try to put there my subnet mask? :D

i'm not a newbie to dc.

i use win xp professional, an ovislink router ( :D ) and kaspersky internet security 6, windows firewall turned off.

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In the Connection Settings, check "Update IP on startup" and "Don't allow hub/PnP to overwrite". Then reconnect. If the problem still exist, post again. :D

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  Zlobomir said:
In the Connection Settings, check "Update IP on startup" and "Don't allow hub/PnP to overwrite". Then reconnect. If the problem still exist, post again. :)

i already did those yesterday :D

i tried everything i could (except changing my pc) in the last few afternoons after work :D

but it still doesn't seem to be working. i hope only for me.

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Well, you look experienced to me, any other ideas from anyone? You probably know how to check whether you have real IP or not...

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  Zlobomir said:
Well, you look experienced to me, any other ideas from anyone? You probably know how to check whether you have real IP or not...

My only suggestion is insuring your WAN IP is the one that's in your connection settings. I know a few of my Users have had the same issues sometimes, and it seems to be almost always that... that being said it looks like from what you said you have it set up right. And as far as I know from my experience, it's not the client after that and possibly the hub, though anyone can correct me if they know better.

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  bigcanuck said:
My only suggestion is insuring your WAN IP is the one that's in your connection settings. I know a few of my Users have had the same issues sometimes, and it seems to be almost always that... that being said it looks like from what you said you have it set up right. And as far as I know from my experience, it's not the client after that and possibly the hub, though anyone can correct me if they know better.

it's not about that, cuz if i tell the client to "get ip" it gets my ip, what's given by the router not the router's wan ip ... so i simply forgot that solution after the first try :D

i'll try today afternoon if this problem is still there with strongdc, and if it'll be there .. i'll report it as a possible bug :D

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Did you try running Dyndns updater simultaneously with Apex and place your dyndns address in the IP box instead of the WAN IP?

That's what I do, that way it does not matter if my ISP changes my WAN IP, because Dyndns updater makes sure the dyndns address always points to my actual WAN IP. It's a small app and takes virtually no resources.

It's possible your problem is due to something else of course.

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the problem is not because i don't know my ip address.

it works excellent since i turned it on yesterday ... i'm "waiting" for it to do that again, so i can check out with sdc if it also has the problem ... but it doesn't want to mess up ;)

i'll report here if it happens again, or if anyone else had this problem, please post it here or ... try with strong dc too to see if there's the same problem

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today morning i turned off my pc so we could sleep in silence and when i trned it on an hour ago my old friend, this problem came back.

no downloading in active mode, no search result, just connecting to the hubs and nothing else.

manual port forwarding, not allowing nothing t overwrite the ip, i tried my wan ip, my local ip behind the router, and my dyndns address.

even tried these with setting dmz host, and after telling it direct connection (with dmz set in router) ... nothing.

in passive mode it could connect to all active users, then i switched back to actie with all correct settings which worked till the morning ... and the same, no downloading from anyone, and no search results.

so i tried the setings with strong dc 2.02 and the same. correct settings and no search results, no downloading from anyone.

so maybe i found a bug but i don't know what to do wih it ..... i hope that after a few closing and restarting of apex it'll work correctly again, but i don't want to do it every time :)

as i said before it sometimes present, sometimes not ... i even thought that it depends on with which leg does the pc get up :)

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it works now .... so i guess no pc shutdown for another week or sg :) :)

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if the problem exists in SDC 2. most likely its an SDC base code issue, however that does not fix the problem.. my guess is the upnp function is still trying to activate even when disabled you and i have discussed this extensively in TGO.. but I have not found a resoultion for it yet.. first one to find it wins..

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okay, thanks :)

and i'm looking for the first one to find it too ;) ;)

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i ve this problem and i cant solve

i know my ip and i tried different 4 tcp and udp port for apex

Why? I cant understand

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you probably need to set up port fowarding or change your firewall settings. Do you use a router or firewall. if so which ones

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I have had similar connection problems to this in the past. Probably since version 2.00 of SDC. What I now do in order to get round this problem is to have 3 different ports open. A unique one for TCP, UDP and TLS. Since running port forwarding like this I have had no problems. :S

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I also have done the same as Metaphase and have no problems either, tried doing standard same port, but didnt work for me, and yes i know how to port forward :)

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  Metaphase said:
I have had similar connection problems to this in the past. Probably since version 2.00 of SDC. What I now do in order to get round this problem is to have 3 different ports open. A unique one for TCP, UDP and TLS. Since running port forwarding like this I have had no problems. :S

same thinh here, jsut using different ports for all.

guess it's a bug in sdc then :)

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