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Posts posted by Zlobomir

  1. Excuse for commenting here directly, but that solution is not good at all... here is why it doesn't work and what should be done to preserve same optimized code and functionality that in 32bit (because those asm blocks that fail for 64bit are optimized for performance).

    When targeting x64 platforms in Visual Studio 2005 or later, programmers are no longer able to use inline assembly code as they did for 32-bit code. This forces the programmer to either rely on C/C++ code using intrinsics, or to tediously create a 64-bit MASM (.asm) version of the function.

    Извините на директний коментар, но ето решение вообще плохо... смотрите почему оно не работает и что нужно сделать для сохранения оптимизацией в кода и функкциональност на 32 бит (потому что ети asm частици, неработающих под 64 бит - оптимизирование для производительност).

    Когда приступаем к х64 платформьiй на VS 2005 или позднее, програмисти болше не могут ползвать "?встроеннои в реду-inline?" асемблаторнии код, как они делали для 32-битовой код. Ето задолжает програмист либо лежат на С/С++ код, с употребления

  2. From the RU forum:

    ..\client\memcpy_amd.cpp(90) : error C4235: nonstandard extension used : '__asm' keyword not supported on this architecture

    Помогите скомпилировать под x64 amd (Vista x64 Studio 2008 TS) компилируется под x86 нормально, под x64 вышеназванная ошибка.

    Please help to compile under x64 amd (Vista x64 Studio 2008TS). Compiles normally under x86, under x64 there is the above error.

    (I answered that I will ask, but imo the solution will not be easy if possible at all [imro it is not possible :( ])

  3. 1. I am assuming last version here is 1.0.0B5.

    2. For "this hub" I am clueless. Please let us know the hub name*, if not too private (you can also PM me or another support member). You could try emulating DC++ (needs a check in Favorite Hubs >> Properties for the respective hub).

    3. Regarding the error saving hash data - please let us know the operating system and antivirus software you are using. Possible reason can be Vista's UAC (turn it off).

    okay an update a little im using the newest version i got shaw secure and the hub address is a private server for university if you want it i can get it for you. but so far ive gotten in fine and i am finding that people can dowload from me but i still get the same error not using windows firewall at all. still getting error saving hash

    *Yes, I meant hub address. Feel free to use also the support hub, address is in my signature.

  4. 1. I am assuming last version here is 1.0.0B5.

    2. For "this hub" I am clueless. Please let us know the hub name, if not too private (you can also PM me or another support member). You could try emulating DC++ (needs a check in Favorite Hubs >> Properties for the respective hub).

    3. Regarding the error saving hash data - please let us know the operating system and antivirus software you are using. Possible reason can be Vista's UAC (turn it off).

  5. Not needed... Just switch off Apex, look if the process is off too, then open Favorites.xml with Notepad and edit it carefully. Then start Apex. The reason for me is that the folder somehow is marked "read-only". I can set new attributes, apply new command order, but in two mins or so it is again "read-only".

    WARNING: Make a back-up of the Favorites.xml first.