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Posts posted by Zlobomir

  1. just try to change path of your system registry and your windows won't simply boot without any try to fix the problem.

    Argh, did smo notice that if you pull the power cable out of the plug the PC won't even try to start? :)

  2. IMHO quantity is not equal to quality. As poy said above, some settings just have to be made manually. If not, the program will just rely on some "working trash". Like the really good, but ultraslow file transfer in Skype. There is something to help these 40% of users - a real live support hub in Favs. Excuse me, but if someone thinks that this is not sufficient, I would prefer him out of DC. :) Because his share will be out of order and files will be broken. What files btw? The first 1GB of private documents or XXX or whatever you have? Or the first 500 found files by the auto-search? As at least a semi-educated user, I would be annoyed by such a program immediately, together with other 60% of the users.

    However sure there are thing that may be improved... For example addition (with prompting for user) of the 5 best hubs (acc. tto some list) and/or another 5 for the specific country (acc. to GeoIP). And a better and more complete /help. No hard feelings, just frank opinion. :D

  3. What do you mean by "for a long time"? Like when downloading one file or folder what takes very long due to the connection? Or like frequently downloading different things from one and the same user?

    For the second option I think favusers should do it. As for the first option.. Well, I can't tell, but for DC in the internet it might be useful. (I can only use it in LAN)

    Hm, rewarding a user for his bad internet (limiter) or for your bad internet (limiter)? :)

    But if there is a way for GB/day or MB/hour or smth like that...

  4. I know the problem for most people is the new Fuldc++ client... The new versions of Fuldc and some other clients are refusing connections to older clients, and since apex has a strongdc base, that is based off an older dc++ build it sees us as an old client and kills the connection. Here is a link to the topic, then the next version of apex may be able to fix this... http://www.dcdev.net/YnHub/forum/showthread.php?t=5662 Its a shame the assholes over in fuldc dont see this as a problem, but a positive.

    Actually the "a*sholes" are doing good, since they are pushing people to upgrade. The bad thing is that Apex falls in a category to which it does not belong.

  5. if you don't have any hardware problem (as me or many other people) than you will never have some problem with corrupted downloads. I downloaded tens of GB in last weeks) and nothing of it was corrupted (I always manually check whether TTH matches).

    A planned upgrade is not in any case a hardware failure. And if the DC++ client can be made to accept such data changes, why not??? This feature can be optional (user-activated only if needed), no need to code from the ground... :)

  6. This is only for Tony´s programs, can´t use it

    Yes, it is written so on the site, but actually Toni's pograms use "standard" language files. If I remember correctly, I was translating even subs with it in the past.

    Edit: Just tried, it really seems useless for *.xml, but *.txt should be fine. Which brings up the question is there a reason Apex custom languages to be in *.xml?

  7. But what about you have smth like that:

    Day 1:

    001 Peers up to 1KB/s available

    002 Peers up to 10KB/s available

    003 Peers up to 100KB/s available

    So Apex will run with 1KB/s on highest priority for 001, and wasting the chance to get 002 and 003 faster.

    Day 2:

    001 Peers up to 100KB/s available

    002 Peers up to 1KB/s available

    003 Peers up to 10KB/s

    The same waste...

  8. Yes, the one way around is to simplify and improve the programs. The other one is to educate the users. I still believe that the second is just more in DC++ spirit. There are guides and stuff...

    Or we need just a small code, which to "press" Check Settings on each startup and according to test results to set up the active/Passive mode?

    There is already a request for users acting like proxies, even for unlimited no. of passive users, but with bandwidth they specify.

  9. If everybody uses ApexDC++ and uses the emoticon pack it uses by default, they will see the emoticons. It is the same as MSN, yahoo, etc. If you use an alternative, such as trillian you won't see some of the emoticons and the ones you do see will be different. Now though MSN has custom emoticons, and the other users just download them "on-the-fly", however this is not practical to implement as you may have 2000 users on a hub and whether it is you or the server which uploads this to every user, that's a lot of bandwidth needed for just one emoticon.

    And here again the request for users acting like proxies would come handy...

  10. What I got basically:


    1.1. You have user A in hubs X, Y and Z.

    1.2. You need XA, YA, ZA in Fav Users to cover all the cases in which your friend is online. This is too much place. He proposes a search engine in Favs (can't see how this would help?). AFAIR (remember ;) ) with the current protocol it is hard to be sure whether 2+ same nicks in 2+ different hubs are one and the same user...


    2.1. You have definitely different users under one and the same nick in 2+ hubs.

    2.2. He proposes a regrouping in Win Explorer style - Users as main folders, hubs they appear in as subfolders.

    3. I also can't follow, sorry...

  11. I think I got it.

    I added my internal ip address.

    tested connection and it seems ok.

    only thing now though......

    when I test connection, it sometimes comes back as failed, and sometimes connected ok.......

    Sometines it may be a fault of the reporting site. If you are downloading and searching, all is ok. :D