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Posts posted by Lee

  1. I've been running Apex for quite a while on my current computer. I just built a new one and I want to migrate my current installation to my new computer. I'll be using new hard drives and new directory structures so I already know I have to rehash. However, I want to be able to move all my favorite hubs and users plus all of my passwords, descriptions, and any other settings I have. What is the best way to accomplish this? I saw a settings backup script by Kjarin(sp?). Should I use that? Should I just zip up my current installation directory and unzip it on the new computer? I had a major crash recently and had to reinstall Apex and my settings installed in my Apex directory not under Appdata. Thanks in advance!

    Zip up the directory but delete dcplusplus.xml and the hashdata. You will need to reconfigure your settings but that's the best way. :)

  2. hmm ok . .so i really dont understand the structure of dc ++ . . i got the latest version 1.41 and i can download everything but i only get speed around 60 kbps . ... i have broad band connection . . some of my friends have cable and some have sify broadband . .and they get speed around 900 kbps to 3 mbps . .why so . .?

    It depends on the upload speed of the person you're downloading off. So if you're downloading from multiple people, chances are your download speed will increase. :)

  3. I updatd to 1.4.1 & again it got freezed the same way not only the apex dc but freezed other programs too

    Try a fresh install, the freeze relating to country flags has been fixed, so this must be different. Sounds like your system is unstable if other programs are freezing too.

    Do you get any exceptioninfo.txt generated in the program directory?

  4. It was nothing personal from my side, toast give wrong info about ports and i'm corrected that.

    1 ) i'm not unemployed.

    2 ) trolling everywhere without creating anything and without any knowledge is what you do.

    3 ) i'm developing dc++ based client from spring 2002 and BM used is as base for his client (original name of Strongdc++ was BigCZDC++, but of course you are dc newbie and don't know that), and my code is used by StrongDC++ and his mods.

    4 ) it was not epic failure, it was funny to see StrongDC++ project removed from sourceforge for week when all what BM needed to do was to send one email to get it back without explaining anything :lol:

    Oh great, DC people fail to move on these days.

    Closed before more shit hits the fan.

  5. Could someone explain this? Maybe it has something to do with the GeoIP hang-up we yesterday discovered...

    How old? It'll be because we rewrote the setup script using Inno, but I'm positive I downloaded the latest GeoIP database. If you have a copy of the working GeoIP then by all means send it over. B)

  6. Where does this come from, 1.4.0 does not block any Apex users (or any other type of users for that matter). If it is about what is written on the news posts that is a note aimed at hub owners not regular users.

    I've edited the post to avoid confusion B)

    Please post all issues you encounter in the tracker and help us reproduce them.

    If you are having frequent crashes/hangs then check out this issue specifically and see if it fixes the problem (it may be because you're running very old country code flags database).

  7. Jumping on the "Lee bosses Crise about" bandwagon are we. Do you think Crise would be still here if that was the case? He has equal control over decisions made.

    why the hell are you paying devs to come in and do work when obviously from this entire topic it's clear StrongDC's base has been used for ApexDC...

    Exactly, so Crise's points above are valid (since you want to ignore mine, and brush over his). I can't believe you've posted in here without having access to the code for evidence. Your point is invalid.

    We have never claimed ApexDC is not a mod of StrongDC, so I don't know where you've got that from.

  8. Is your hub running on PtokaX? Because I am encountering the very same bug in one hub I am using (can provide address via PM).

    Also I have the hub set to connect automatically upon ApexDC++ start. It is OK until I switch to the hub's tab - then the GUI freezes and I have to end ApexDC++ forcefully.

    Send both me and Crise the address privately if you wish. :)

  9. We are pleased to announce our first featured update since 1.3 was first introduced. We have merged with StrongDC++ 2.42 to keep up with Big Muscle's improvements, introduced a more efficient installer using Inno, rewritten the webserver area that was initially planned for 2.0, and more!

    1.4.0 follows StrongDC++'s decision to disable emulation by default on all hubs (please let your hub owners aware of this, otherwise they may be unknowingly blocking ApexDC users). This can be configured under favourite hub properties if you wish. Our new installer detects your system language and processor architecture (32bit or 64bit), has a cleaner uninstall and removes OpenCandy integration in favour of our own ApexDC Toolbar. You will still need to confirm the installation of the ApexDC Toolbar and it can be uninstalled at any time.

    The webserver changes mean that you no longer use the templates on apexdc.net and load them locally. There are lots more changes so check out the page for more details.

    Let us know what you think!

    Download: ApexDC++ 1.4.0

    Marthapt and AolemanEl like this

  10. Moved here, under the title StrongDC++ GUI rewrite.

    Big Muscle: Do you have a link to the post because all I can find is this. I don't think I ever stated I would patch to your branch because a) it's open to public and :) i didn't ask for login details. Regarding DCDev conversation: I told you so you could use the code for your own linux port and reframe from including windows specific code in the future to save both of us time. I gave you developer access so you could contribute, which never happened (we seem to have the same opinion about both sides). You had the opportunity to be rewarded for your "hard work" too.

    If you think all we've done is added png and "hacked" our way to Mac, then hold that opinion.

    Just to clarify for everybody: ApexDC 2.0 is based on StrongDC++'s GUI rewrite using wxwidgets. It has always been the case and this dependence on StrongDC is stated on each changelog, and also displayed in our about box. Are we not providing you with adequate credit? We are using this opportunity to work on our GUI aswell, since no major improvements have been made on our part for some time. I'm not going to post about how your progress is going, but how we're getting on with our own progress.

    The rude comment was maybe a little overboard but I don't see why we should allow you to plug your project on our forums.

    epic cant say i blame you bm would have done the same thing, lee when are you going too learn that your not the lead dev and let Crise run the show... look where your actions took the project this time

    Thanks for your input as usual Toast. I will refer you to our staff page that completely obliterates your "lead dev" remark. I think that page is near-enough from the beginning of apexdc.net.

  11. I hope you don't want to deny that new ApexDC++'s wxWidgets gui will only be a pure copy of my hard and time-consuming work in StrongDC++ and you don't want to make a profit from it.

    Sorry, I don't care whether it is pure copy or not


    If you think ApexDC 2.0 will be the same as StrongDC wx then that's a valid point. It will look similar but offer more features such is the state of the current version. Anyway, this is not about ApexDC vs StrongDC. We have never claimed that we are completely rewriting the GUI ourselves, but adding to it. Nor will we use your forums as a promotional resource. :)

  12. Will users who don't install the toolbar be able to access the beta version announcements via an RSS feed or something? I'm not (and I'm sure some other users aren't as well) partial to installing toolbars, no matter how reputable the devs are.

    We will be pushing updates primarily to the guys who fund our development pR0Ps. I might send you a private build for your users to test, however. Eventually we may have a public beta on the front page but our focus will be to reward those who support us. :)

    Naturally we will do our best to provide these early betas to all those who have donated instead of installing the toolbar, and made themselves known to us one way or the other. However, due to technical details installing the toolbar will still probably be the faster access channel.

  13. We are offering you the chance to receive preview versions of 2.0 when you download the ApexDC Toolbar. The toolbar gives the team the opportunity to send messages when we're ready to show off the anticipated cross-platform ApexDC 2.0 version.

    The benefits of the toolbar:

    • Receive messages pointing you to our 2.0 beta versions (watch out for these!)
    • Search our website and community forums
    • Launch ApexDC from the toolbar (1.4.0 and above)
    • Stay in the loop with our RSS and Twitter feeds automatically
    • You can uninstall the ApexDC Toolbar at any time

    By installing the toolbar you help fund our development costs towards 2.0 (programmers aren't cheap :)) and accelerate the speed of which we can reach 2.0 final. If you'd prefer to donate instead of installing the toolbar, we have attached the link below:

    (The whole team would like to personally thank past and future donations)

    Brennawrell and handythurry like this

  14. haha i dont mind, its humourous, and a little cute. but i do agree with lee, focus people! this is very important to me, i need DC very much so. its really fustrating to know that ISPs are so invasive with bandwidth usage, my ISP is making plenty of money. i researched a bit and read posts about how in the near future, ISP's in north america are trying to regulate the internet usage by a profiting scheme...but for now id just like to prolong my own connection as long as possible. ok this TLS...is similar to SSL servers? can someone provide me with guides/website where i can read about TLS and how to use it into DC? by the way, no matter what i try to do, i cannot forward the ports...i believe its all a part of the ISPs operation to control and monitor the bandwidth. i guess TLS or any other forms of network connection encryption is my only option. please continue to offer suggestions!!!!!

    another issue now, i think its related to this throttling. i'm getting auto-disconnected from hubs with the error message..." An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" =(

    Here is the guide Xsensor, but you're still required to forward the TLS port as a TCP port. So I would suggest what Mek said.

  15. hey ppk go **** ya self if you worked as much as i did at all you wouldnt be trollin you unemployed ****tard

    besides ppk atleast i dont go around trying to assume copyright over stuff that i didnt create :) you coward!! we all know that your try last time was a epic failure

    This has nothing to do with helping the original poster. Both of you should reframe from posting in here if you're more interested in petty personal disagreements.