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Posts posted by Crise

  1. Thank you for answering and sorry for not being very clear.

    The folder that is missing was not IN the SDC install folder, BUT it was the folder(it and its subfolders) that I was sharing back when I was using SDC.

    After I deleted the SDC folder, I noticed that it(the folder that I was sharing) wasn't there anymore, so I assume it had something to do with the fact that I deleted the SDC folder. As I said in my previous post, I have not deleted it nor hidden the folder that I was sharing, it simply disappeared after I deleted the SDC folder.

    If it helps, it was a 30 GB+ folder that contained lossless music, and it would take me 3-4 months to download it again.

    As I've mentioned, the space on disk is still occupied, that's why I still hope to recover it.

    try accessing the missing folder via command prompt (start > run > cmd) or by writing the path in explorer address bar...

  2. Computer Geek Test Results:

    Overall, you scored as follows:

    12% scored higher (more computer geeky),

    0% scored the same, and

    88% scored lower (less geeky).

    Compared to those in the same age group as you:

    7% scored higher (more computer geeky),

    1% scored the same, and

    92% scored lower (less geeky).

    What does this mean? Your computer geekiness is:

    High-Level Computer Geek. All of those below you are envious of you! (...Well perhaps not the cool people)

    Then again don't know if this actually is a good or bad thing :stuart:

  3. Heh, seems more of a subscription when I think about it, personally I choose the amount I donated, I didn't pay a pre-set amount that I know of.

    well yes, but you were one of the first donators :stuart: and yes the above link is for subscription, but as I said one can donate any ammount but to do that they must contact Lee.

  4. i don't understand if you're with me or agains me (for the option of blocking botss)

    I think they are with you (just like I am, but it's not important what I think, after all I'm only a dev. :stuart:)

  5. Hi guys :( .

    I've just realized how convinient would be to add 2 things in the right click context menu of folders in download queue.

    I want you to add if you can the options "remove and readd source" and "max number of segments". It's very hard to manually remove every source i don't need on each file separatelly in the containing folder.

    And the "max number of segments" as well.

    Can something be done? :(

    these entries are there for files alredy (so they might be for folder too if looked cirrectly), i'll take a look

  6. Well, much is said in the title.

    Is it possible to have as much support as for winamp integrated into AphexDC++?

    Is it needed/wanted?

    (sorry if was asked already - search didn't find anything to that matter)

    I'n not 100% sure (as haven't actually taken s look) but at least when this was discussed before, we ended up to the fact that Foobars API dosn't allow it as it is (read: needs plugin)... (there has been new version of foobar since then, but i doubt this fact has changed)

  7. Ok,...i understand, but how can i prove that i am worthy? :(

    being an active forum memeber (helping users with problems, chatting about stuff etc.), and providing both negative and positive feedback (and doing it so that the feedback is constructive) is always a plus, but in the end the desicions are always done because of differnt reasons, so we can't give you any kind of list of requirements...

  8. What do i have to do to be a beta tester?

    And when will apex be out(i am loking forword to download with it)

    you have to prove yourself worthy of the position, and we tell when new positions open up so there is no need to ask... (in other words: you don't come to us, we come to you)

    and release dates haven't been assigned, and they won't be assigned either, it's out when it's ready for public use...

  9. Nor would I expect you to have seen it. Locutus is well.. customized.. another coder built it for me and a very few others. To use LUA scripts for DC protection, and such. I only bring it into hubs when needed. as it tends to not like anyone. Its this way on purpose. its got custom built raw commands and detections in it for most every client. its based on DCDM source, but not the same as regular DCDM. source was from .495 if that helps you.. I dont use it much. only in emergencies.. (dont ask, I wont lie)

    grogs. where can I find out more info about this "Blackbox shell" anything to reduce overhead on resources is worth looking at for me...

    very well i don't make you lie then :thumbsup:

    and about blackbox here's something atleast: (windows) (*nix systems) (screenshots, styles, other versions)

    but i don't know which of these is best as there exist few ports for windows aswell...

  10. Again i completly agree i dont think i managed to get any feture request from this. i did email the user the link to this thread. i had hoped that he might come, post and possibly explain some of the requests :thumbsup: :)

    i got few out from it:

    - animated gif emotes (won't happen)

    - chat msg formatting, bold/underline/italic & font (i'd like this personally, but not up for it though)

    - perm ignorelists (look at beta forum :))

    - tray message as balloon popup, if i got it right

    - clock based away messages, if i got it right

  11. But what about a blacklist for PMs from some users/IPs? I think it was discussed, but if not, it would be effective against repetitive spam.

    if this will be added it'll be nick based... (ps: read beta forum todolist :thumbsup:)

  12. I said. :D

    The only thing that this checkbox changes in mine PWDC++ is the up/down in Description (if given, I do not know why you can't delete the once set values).

    So, the option is not too mislabelled. :)

    it does add slotcount display in description too, but only in hubs that are not emulated