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Posts posted by Crise

  1. I don't know if it's my client or the hub but ever since I upgraded Apex DC++ from version 0.20 to 0.22 the search function won't work anymore. I have not changed any settings at all so I have no idea why this is happening.

    [When I connect to the hub, this is the information I receive - in case its the hub's software]

    This Hub is running version 0.9.8c (Tue Mar 8 11:00:00 CET 2005) of VerliHub

    Is it global or hub specific (read: can you search on some hubs or not at all?)

  2. after holding apexdc++ about 2hours in away minimized mode my icon appears like in picture:

    What it means? I am in active mode and this icon appears...

    you have become a "fireball" (uploaded >= 100kB/s, and been online some certain time, if i remember correctly)

  3. I just launched the ApexDC client and received an exception

    Exception info:

    Code: c0000005

    Version: 0.1.0

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2006-08-07 22:19:03


    c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\apexdc stuff\stlport\stlport\stl\_threads.h(365):

    it said something about Floating point could not be loaded :ermm:

    Yor version is very old, upgrade...


  4. I had the same problem. I've been kicked 2 times because of this. The hub that I use (it is based on verihub too) requires 3 slots to be openned, but ApexDC++ default value is 2. The hub doesn't check (and I don't know why) slot count and doesn't disconnect me. I didn't check this number, because I thought that if I would open too little slots, I would be disconnected. The operator(s) is(are) forced to kick users with 2 slots open. I think this is ApexDC++ bug, other clients like DC++, PeerWeb DC++ and so on doesn't have this bug (the hub disconnected me when there was too little slots open). :ermm:

    firstly pwdc did have this "bug" secondly read posts above, it's related to verlihub itself more than apexdc :)

  5. Keep getting

    Error 1 fatal error C1189: #error : You must use compiled STLPort else you can't use optimized node allocator. d:\Temp\ApexDC++_0.2.2_source\client\stdinc.cpp 28

    I'm using STLPort from link above. What might be wrong?

    you need to compile the stlport, and i am not sure if the one in the link above is even the one used by sdc 2.02, but this is the one i use: (posted in sdc forums by BM)

    I acknowledge that my guide needs updating B) i'll sort it later this weekend... in the mean time why not you guys do some guides too :D

  6. 2. in your screen shot I cann't see the support column in nick list (my mistake: I said tag but I ment - column in the nick list)

    3. No rmDC client is detected in the screenshot

    4. Two examples cannot be compaired because different columns ar visable:

    please expand some columns in the nicklist .. printscreen it

    restar client ... pricntscreen it

    compare printscreens

    2. there is no supports column (BM removed it in SDC i belive)

    3. sorry it indeed is no longer there (the detection of rmDC i mean...)

    4. they definetly can, i have resized two columns that are both visible in both screen captures, and i also closed the hub window before connecting again, so if there would be a bug in column size saving it would have been visible... and it wasn't, conclusion no bug there.

  7. I have a question regarding ApexDC++. How can I turn off AutoPriorityDefault? I don't want it to be set on. I tried modifying the "DCPlusPlus.xml" file, <UseAutoPriorityByDefault type="int">1</UseAutoPriorityByDefault> and setting "0" instead of "1". It doesn't work, and when I start the program again, it changes back to "1". Is there a setting for this in the program? I didn't find it ...

  8. :) helo!

    What means:

    "NMDC - Style lists no longer supported,please upgrade your client""

    Please help me... :D:)

    thanks a lot! B)

    that means filelists of the old NMDC format (.dclst, used only by clients that are old or outdated) are no more supported... (this change is in new versions of DC++ as well)

    this also does not belong here...

  9. 2. where the hell the support tag has disapare?

    3. PWDC was able to identify rmDC in emulation mode

    4. nick list tag column width cann't be memorized

    2, 3, 4: all are there and working fine as they should (regarding to hubs and tag column see screenshot below)

  10. hello B)

    great client;)

    if you open a userlist while youre downloading it its impossible to close ever...

    I know you not supose to open it, but you need to restart client if you do or have that window there for ever.. same bug is in strong DC

    you mean the segment tree or the actual user list?

    Edit: also tested it on my copy of 0.2.2 and it works fine...

  11. Myinfo is sent when user's description is updated (slots, tag, etc)... it's sent quite often. Reduce the spam by disabling the description customisation features.

    That's not all the things it's sent on but they are the ones which user can easily affect to...

  12. I have not used any program since then.

    I think I might have to restart... but I hate restarting :)

    I believe it might be a problem with how apexDC++ exits, and it might not be removing its info or something from the netstats...


    I restarted and ran the exact same programs I had running before, and DC++ worked again.

    I deffinitly think this is a problem related to ApexDC++

    yeah it's probably mu choice for the default port, but users should change them anyways...

  13. I am a former rmdc++ user....when trying new clients i have always been able to copy my setting folder over so i can have all my fav hubs, users, etc. I have done so with Apex DC++, and it all carried over except my fav users list. Is there any way to get that list into my settings in Apex? Thanx.....

    no since new format is used and the old format can't be comverted into the new one... (this is from later versions of DC++)

  14. Well if they are on a hub thats dont allow mutisource and netlimiting then its pretty important for the ops to have that one in profile so thats why i add them too the profile so they can ban it if they want to

    ok, but you should not check for versions as they change like every week... and for developers builds even every other day sometimes... (developers = 4 members + Lee and me, for now)

  15. Any word on the NSIS script?

    Well i don't even have the nsis script, because i don't do our installers... and about you wanting to be identical, i prefer not to have too identical mods of ApexDC out there because of the simple fact that then we here can't easily separate them, if problems would pop up...

  16. As a developer I also do not like rushing from users, but could you at least say when should we expect 0.2.2? :D

    original plan was to release 0.2.2 on thrusday when Lee would be back. but it might take bit longer...