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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Only Operators can ignore operators, regular users can't (with the exception of the two options related to bots). And also if you edit the ignorelist thru settings it won't take effect at once... it'll take some time, if the hub that user is on is connected at that moment.
  2. Toolbar customization

    You don't have to do it that long way They really aren't needed... What you say! Every user has to have at least three public hublist buttons, and i recommend having two fav hub buttons too, without them the program is simply not usable (in case someone's not getting it, I'm joking here)
  3. [Support] TTH

    That means exactly what it says, the user your are trying to download from is using obsolete client, and thus we can't download from it...
  4. Care to provide translated changelog, before i put any comments here... as i don't understand russian, and the online translators are crappy...
  5. [BUG] No joins shown

    Sorry works fine here note that reconnect is needed for the setting to take effect if it was changed while the hub is/was open...
  6. I'm not 100% sure but it might be possible to get this with dcppboot.xml (assuming that it can handle %appdata% etc.)
  7. Turn off multisource?

    quite a bit more, also including the one change that causes you to "loose" slots, as it's needed...
  8. Turn off multisource?

    Yes, but they could detect you as only changing tag is not emulation enough :blink:
  9. This can be perfectly normal behavior, it's most likely a feature called Partial File Sharing, that you're seeing in action...
  10. Apex & Windows Vista

    You can get it to run on 98se (i think), if you try hard enough, it'll just perform badly :)
  11. Toolbar improvements

    What's wrong with the cubes, imo. the new cubes blow the old monitors all the way :)
  12. [Crash] Download queue

    sorry forgot this one completely, i will try to reproduce it so i can look into it better...
  13. Apex & Windows Vista

    I personally am not sorting any vista bugs before vista is final, or i begin to use it myself (which is unlikely because of the DRM crap)
  14. [Bug] op menu bug

    The usercommands sent by the hub needs to be edited :)
  15. "The target machine (My) actively refused it."

    Please provide translations, thank you...
  16. Nick in mainchat

    Hmm... should be fine, as all "Send public message" does, is put the users nick and : in message field, will check what exactly that menu item does though...
  17. Nick in mainchat

    Do you mean "Send public message"?
  18. just a few ideas

    Don't worry not going to happen :)
  19. just a few ideas

    I'll leave the others uncommented as many have already been discussed... but what comes to built in browser... i know at least two clients that have one, and i personally won't have anything against adding one to apexdc, but i know someone who does besides it'd only make the program something that it isn't, as web browser has nothing to do with DC or P2P altogether.
  20. More clear show about limit than [L:*]

    I believe it was like that first, but you wanted me to make it shorter :)
  21. [Support] Both slots taken by same user

    I believe your friend just has to live with that, at least as long NMDC (the current protocol) is used... I'll later try to find a discussion i read about this earlier to give you some more details :D
  22. Show usernames and IPs in searchspy

    Well we could pick it up if we wanted But as you can see we don't :D
  23. Progressing with ApexDC++

    There won't be 0.2.3, next one will be numbered as 0.x.0 (in this case 0.3.0) as all bigger/non-maintenance releases until 1.0.0 final :)
  24. Odc Problem

    No That's because it afaik doesn't do any hashing (which is not good)