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Everything posted by Crise

  1. some bug

    Looking into it :)
  2. There is also as i pointed out previously the matter of OP clients...
  3. Hacked Client: no lock & pk

    About this problem i already said that it's a problem in the client, which i have since then fixed :)
  4. No connection

    TGO is unfortunately currently offline... hopefully it'll be back up soon.
  5. Now that's very incorrect name, as NMDC based means either that the client is based on the NMDC program or that it uses NMDC protocol. As for the later currently most DC clients use more or less NMDC protocol as ADC is not completed yet... Anyways as for the time being functionality to block oDC etc. won't be added, maybe later...
  6. Hacked Client: no lock & pk

    The update address has been changed, there is a topic in lounge about that I think...
  7. I actually spent quite some time trying to get rid of those (so that there would be no new problems created), however I'm fine the way it is now as the idea of this function was to mimic the lua versions behavior and that's exactly what it does... Conclusion: this is not a bug...
  8. Hacked Client: no lock & pk

    Nope, the problem is somewhere between SDC 2.02 and 2.03. But I have fixed it, at least until someone makes a better fix for it, in ApexDC's svn (post, just so the testers know)
  9. Hacked Client: no lock & pk

    I think i have fixed this issue in our working builds (at least it's not there anymore )
  10. connection problem

    It's in DC++ too afaik :)
  11. Pedja, support for the old technologies will always be dropped at some point, and fulDC did it first for DC, as far as I know, then DC++ removed support for nmdc style filelists and now StrongDC has removed non-tth downloading... and I'm quite sure the list will continue to grow over time.
  12. Show joins confusing

    This "issue" has been fixed, for quite some time in the betas (was fixed in the first 0.4.0.x series build)
  13. [Support] Does Multisource adversely affect hubs?

    Downloading filelists with multisource, since when?
  14. DC++'s flatabctrl needs an update anyways, because it's certainly not the most user friendly, presentation of tabbed windows :D
  15. Released: ApexDC++ 0.3.0 (Preview 3)

    Help > GeoIP database update extract and place in Settings folder :D
  16. Ok, if we block uploading to the clients you can't download from with ApexDC, I bet all (or most of) the DC OP's going to jump of joy :D
  17. extended dchub:// links ?

    Magnet links I know you can't include source to the magnets DC uses, since DC has no xs (eXact Source) support, and i dunno what would be good way to add one...
  18. ApexDC++ winamp plugin?

    There is no plugin but you could try /w or /winamp in main chat :D
  19. Leave messages for your Favorite Users!

    Then tell me how can your client process an offline message to user X, when he/she comes online, if you are not online yourself Answer, there is no way to do that, w/o hubsoft's help... And doing it the "improper" way (ie. ignoring scenario above), is just not worth it, because not everyone keeps their pc nor dc on 24/7.
  20. Leave messages for your Favorite Users!

    This has been discussed and it's something that needs to be done by the hubsoft in order to function correctly :)
  21. Advanced is just as proper as any of the fore mentioned ;)
  22. Slow Multi

    I'm not saying anything here.... yet. ps: you on LAN environment?
  23. [Support] back to 0.22 ?

    Okay the crash is known... As for the CPU usage, what on earth are you doing with the program i can't get it to eat that much resources, not matter what i do...
  24. TTH Search

    Yes i know i have already fixed it in our svn a while back... Edit: regarding that topic, i think Lee was being reasonable...
  25. next version

    Not any time soon, unless we decide to release maintenance release, but even then it will most likely take some time...