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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Here is the exact time I joined the PW(S)DC++ project: 20th April 2005, 03:30 PM (date of initial contact with Lee), while the project itself started around 12th April 2005 (the oldest saved record about it is from that date, i believe it started bit earlier though) I even remember the exact reason why I contacted Lee in the first place, and I can assure you that my original plan was not to end where I am now... As a side note: my English sure sucked lot more back then :)
  2. Compiling ApexDC++

    the server is just down for now, the same files are available from Microsoft though (don't ask where exactly, since I don't remember)
  3. Linux Project Development

    SF cvs, though not much have been done yet as far as I know, please address almiteycow for further details (after reading what's posted on forums first tho.)
  4. ApexDC++ OP

    i just have to ask, what's wrong with the ability to limit? because: a) user could use any 3rd party limiting software to do the same (and you couldn't really say for sure if he or she is limiting or not, if this is the case) apex broadcasts the upload limit in tag, and thus in case of abusive usage it is know instantly (tho. you most likely aren't really able to abuse the limiter in apex)
  5. Drop Down Menu In Users List

    I think that if i'll do this it'll be done with autocomplete of some sort... why? because i already have code for autocimplete (being lazy and taking the easy route )
  6. Drop Down Menu In Users List

    basically you want autocomplete?
  7. "Experts only" settings explained

    yes yes, i just sorta forgot :)
  8. sources

    but if that's the case I do :D
  9. Memory problem

    the amount of downloads and uploads affects memory usage (also short peaks can occur sometimes for one reason or the other), as well as the number of progress bars drawn (when using oDC styled ones, and same alos goes for stealthy styled i assume )
  10. sources

    Integrated what, or how?
  11. ZionDC++

    In a way, i actually feel bad about of what happened to it... but on the other hand Zion left it's most important piece of "heritage" even before it had been moved over to Omega, it's just a matter of someone willing to revive it... But as I said before, when Omega decided to take the path he did, with Zion, he has to have known that at some point the discussion about these things would arise... especially since Zion was a base for quite a few mods, until it "changed it's policy" (some were better, some the opposite... but no need to think of that anymore now is there)
  12. ZionDC++

    that's an old copy of the main site, the "real one" got deleted either by Omega et al. or their host, dunno the details really...
  13. Ну вы дали :))

    license restrictions... hmm, what restrictions? Anyways GNU/GPL allows a developer to charge a fee for downloading his software if he so wishes, but then again anyone that has paid that fee can do whatever he wants with the downloaded binary/source (read: re-distribute it for free), and the developer has no real way of declining this right from him or her... The only limitation GPL places for charging a fee for downloading the software is that the access to the source and binary must be equivalent and thus the fee for downloading source may not be higher than the one charged for downloading the binary and vice versa. with our 'devel' versions it does work more based on trust rather than technicalities though, so afaik none of our beta testers has ever distributed betas or alphas (and i hope same goes for subscribers as well) Also as a subscriber of ApexDC you don't directly pay to get the development versions, but you pay to support the site and the project, access to the WIP(=Work In Progress) versions is just an additional bonus or treat :)
  14. Ну вы дали :))

    Translations please?
  15. Separate color for protected prefixes

    Sure just need to append the nick to the end of the pattern list and for Zlob... I'll consider adding a new color as well :)
  16. Unable to view new posts

    psycho Curl test this is a test
  17. Advanced features in favorites (hub)

    if i understand what ifmn means with user proficiently modes... something like this is in planning at some point, but when i don't know...
  18. IP auto update

    i don't see any point in that... and about PG plugin... well you'll see :)
  19. Public Development Starting

    just a word of advice don't try to bite too much at once :P
  20. Crash

    I know this crash all too well... it's inherited from StrongDC++ at least if not even from DC++ (or so i think) and tbh. i have given up on trying to figure it out myself as for me it seems to be a) rare and random...
  21. upload incomplete items

    Zlob: it's there in 0.4.0... And yes "Super-seeding" code is same as TBI's code, that name is not quite exact though so that's why the quotes :)
  22. [Support]GeoIP flags

    Here is a quote from this topic, posted by me:
  23. [Support]GeoIP flags

    there is link to it in apex, said earlier in this topic :)
  24. [Support]GeoIP flags

    for me they function ok with just the geoip database anyways...
  25. Hub windows empty

    Yeah this has been happening for sometime now... I don't know exactly what's with it though,