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[Bug] [0.2.2] High cpu load after ignore user

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Cpu load 30 - 60%+ after i select ignore some user. Restarting apex not helped. Deleting Ignores.xml helped.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>


<User Nick="regiuxx"/>


Maybe it's some help: that user was on multiple hubs or exited from all hubs.

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Cpu load 30 - 60%+ after i select ignore some user. Restarting apex not helped. Deleting Ignores.xml helped.

Maybe it's some help: that user was on multiple hubs or exited from all hubs.

Will check this...

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I'm not sure if it's any help, since you've probably checked it out already. But I was experiencing the same problem. . I didn't think to check ignores even after seeing this post. But deleting the file solved it. And the user wasn't in any of the hubs I was in at the time. Also everytime a new user logged in the userlist would scroll all the way to the top automatically, and the client would lag/CPU would jump up at the moment as well. This is only happening with me with 2.2.

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Got it too, aproximately...

It seems to be related to ignoring users with some special characters in their nickname. Can't figure out which are those special characters though... If I ignore a user with a nickname like RigorOMortis, it works just fine... but if I ignore one like M0rt1$V1v1$ or something just as imagintive in terms of writing, it starts looping.

It also starts mysteriously ignoring certain messages that are not necessarily from that user.

And yes, deleting the ignore list file or that entry from it solves the problem.

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