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I want more chat features

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I find it sad, that things like a search feature, that i could use to search the chat for certain words, like user names, save it if wanted (i know there is an auto save, but that is pretty much useless), etc. etc. isn't implemented.

DC++ focus isn't the chat, nonetheless, it should be given alittle bit more attention in my opinion.

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Well, you may use chat log or copy/paste in text editor, then search, if or until there is a better solution. ;)

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i've not tried it, but i believe you could try Ctrl + F or F3 in the hub view ;)

you can't do that but you can do /f (with or without param, both work)

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I could also maunally search fir sources .....

but that isn't very confortable, which is why, there haas been a feature implented to make such things redundant.

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