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Upload options

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As I noticed, many people have horror seeing so many uploads in their client and they tend to reduce upload slots to 1 (if they know how).

Some suggestions:

1. Change the default color for uploads from red to blue or green. Red means danger, alarm...

2. Make an option to NOT SHOW AT ALL uploads (only download progress).

3. If someone tries to decrease the upload slots, pop up a window explaining him that slots are necessary for the DC to work well and that no matter how many people is uploading from him, this has very little or no impact on his download speed.

Thank you.

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As I noticed, many people have horror seeing so many uploads in their client and they tend to reduce upload slots to 1 (if they know how).

I would say that the users don't change anything and let the client have 1 slot as it is default in most clients. No wonder there are problems with getting a slot on DC.

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Yes, hard to find a free slot. And yes, most of people does not change default settings. Above them, there is a class of users who learn how to set up their client. Most of them are trying to set it as much restrictive as they can. If possible, join hubs which allow no share, and use fake/cheating clients. Only few users are actually acting responsible using the simple principle: you have to give in order to get. If every dc users would carefully select his share and slots then things will become much better in dc. But educating is one of the keys. And the red color for upload slots it does not send the right message... :)

More then this, perhaps a simple message window to show at first run, or some time (like after 5 minutes online - because the first messages are almost never red). This window can inform the user about some simple guides, in 2-3 words... why not ?

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We'll be changing the slot ratio from 0 to 1 in our next version, so that should have a positive effect on the network. Because right now, I think by default it's only 1 slot.

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We'll be changing the slot ratio from 0 to 1 in our next version, so that should have a positive effect on the network. Because right now, I think by default it's only 1 slot.

Default is 2 slots :)

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Default is 2 slots :)

Default is indeed 2 slots and 0 slot ratio, while in StrongDC++ default is 2 slots and 1 slot ratio. I think I can prove you that if you set a restriction like min 3 slots on some regular hub, this will 'drop' more then 95% of ApexDC++ users. Try it and see the result, because some of us have already tried this. This means the vast majority of users just use the default settings. This also means you almost never find a free slot on dc...

Having 20 users uploading from you with 75 kbits/sec each is much better imho then having 2 users downloading at 750 kbits/sec each.

However, apart from setting a slot ration of at least 1, my suggestion was to change the default color for uploads (because red suggests danger, alarm, wrong etc and is not the best choice, it makes people think uploading is bad) and to make an option to not show uploads at all... Is this very costly ?

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