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Ну вы дали :))

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Не народ ну вы дали !! Девель версии за 10$ выкладывать :) Я бы понял за готовый продукт !! Первый раз такое чудо вижу :)

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На мой взгляд ето вполне нормално, потому что:

1. Сорс-код на последная публичная версия доступен вполне без оплаты.

2. Последная версия 0.4.0 также доступна вполне без оплаты.

3. Я могу сказать что этая "девель" версия работает вполне удовлетворително.

4. Обычно, доступ к такие "девель" версии на другие проги вполне запрещен, следователно это туда является возможность, нет ограничение.

5. Этот подход позволяет поддержка проекта, включая етот форум и т. д.

Пожалуйста, извини мой русский язык.

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Пожалуйста, извини мой русский язык.

Всё отлично :)

Я всё понимаю ! Но вот только не проще было бы выкладывать релизы за деньги ,а не девель-версии ??

Да ладна... не важно... НУ НЕТ в Росии PayPal :)

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Translations please?

Ouch, seems like I will have the honour :) , short resume: :)


I am really amazed! You are offering a dev version for $10! I would accept this, if it is for a complete product.


1. Source code of the latest public version is available for free.

2. The latest public version 0.4.0 is available for free as well.

3. I can say that this "development" version works fully satisfactionary.

4. Usually, the access to such "development" versions of other programs is completely prohibited, therefore here this is an opportunity, not a limitation.

5. This approach allows support of the project, including this forum, etc.


I understand, but won't it be simpler to offer releases for money, not dev versions?

OK, not important... BUT THERE IS NOT Paypal in Russia.


Me (comment):

It will be simpler, but Apex DC++ is not aimed and intended to be a commercial product. :)

Это можно будет проще, ну Апекс ДЦ++ не ньреченный за коммерческий продукт.

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(very interesting. please give link to origin, is there a way to fight licence restrictions using 'devel' versions?)

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(very interesting. please give link to origin, is there a way to fight licence restrictions using 'devel' versions?)


P.S. Может хватит писать в этой ветке на русском, а то приходиться еще переводы делать :)

P.S. May be enough to write in Russian because you need also make translations :)

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(very interesting. please give link to origin, is there a way to fight licence restrictions using 'devel' versions?)

license restrictions... hmm, what restrictions?

Anyways GNU/GPL allows a developer to charge a fee for downloading his software if he so wishes, but then again anyone that has paid that fee can do whatever he wants with the downloaded binary/source (read: re-distribute it for free), and the developer has no real way of declining this right from him or her...

The only limitation GPL places for charging a fee for downloading the software is that the access to the source and binary must be equivalent and thus the fee for downloading source may not be higher than the one charged for downloading the binary and vice versa.

with our 'devel' versions it does work more based on trust rather than technicalities though, so afaik none of our beta testers has ever distributed betas or alphas (and i hope same goes for subscribers as well)

Also as a subscriber of ApexDC you don't directly pay to get the development versions, but you pay to support the site and the project, access to the WIP(=Work In Progress) versions is just an additional bonus or treat :)

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Also as a subscriber of ApexDC you don't directly pay to get the development versions, but you pay to support the site and the project, access to the WIP(=Work In Progress) versions is just an additional bonus or treat :blink:

Indeed, I donated money to Apex before they even was a Subscriber group... Back then you didn't get access to the beta versions. Also, Subscribers (are supposed to) only get beta versions of the client, not alpha versions, so stabilility generally shouldn't be a major issue.

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2 Wertos

AFAIK paypal в России уже есть, но работает только в одну сторону - т.е. ты можешь платить с него, но тебе не смогут заплатить.


AFAIK paypal is already available in Russia, but it works only in one way, so you may pay for something, but no one can transfer money to you.

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ooo, pervaja tema pa ruskim jazykom ;] davai pisaite pa angliskomu, potomu shto ocen mala celovek zdes ponemaet... ;] ja lucshe podozdu i budu 0.5.0 versiju apexa kachat ;]

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ooo, pervaja tema pa ruskim jazykom ;] davai pisaite pa angliskomu, potomu shto ocen mala celovek zdes ponemaet... ;] ja lucshe podozdu i budu 0.5.0 versiju apexa kachat ;]

The first theme on Russian, please write in English, because only a few people here understand. I better wait and download the 0.5.0.


P. S. Thank you for this reminder, however after Wertos only you did not translated your post. :) Actually I need to improve my Russian... :blink:

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