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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. Link: Tuxie Toolbar for ApexDC

    Keep the English please. ;)
  2. Client Language

    However would like to have Windows in English and only some apps in mother language. Also there can be more than one user accounts, and each user to speak different language (not very likely, but still).
  3. Odc Problem

    But here, AFAIK the ONLY reason is to force people to upgrade. But as you can see, it has exactly the opposite effect - users of newer clients turn to older clients again, or run both, which is even more stupid. Just expressing my point of view, I know that DC++ forum should be the place to do it...
  4. not getting File List from FTP servers

    The NMDC format, it was abandoned for a lot of reasons, actually newer clients can't work with it, since the DC++ devs stopped the support for it. You can read more on this anywhere on the Internet.
  5. Remove or Improve Tab Bolding

    Then make it Italic for Join/Part and Underlined for real content change. And even Strikethrough for hub offline. This is only an example.
  6. add a close TAB button

    Yes, these will be great small utilities. But I'm afraid that there is already enough stuff for a universe of coders.
  7. Remove or Improve Tab Bolding

    ...but the tab can be optionally pre-set wider to accommodate it. Even if this don't solve the multi row problem, it will prevent tabs from moving, f. ex. from end of row 1 to beginning of row 2.
  8. [support][0.2.2]doesn't finish connecting

    Well, try some of the popular ports or use a port scanner.
  9. Freeze

    Or it may be some bug with DEP in Winboze, but not very likely. Yes, check the RAM first, with memtest 86 or on another PC. :)
  10. add a close TAB button

    And Shift + LMB on the tab does the same...
  11. ApexDC++ OP

    It may be possible, but did you consider that: 1. For a beginner's hub you should not have too high share requirements. 2. A new user should start from somewhere, so theoretically if all or 99% of the hubs have share limit, he is stuck. Still, IMHO it is a good idea and i will enjoy to see it implemented. It may also have the reverse option - useful to check all filelists under 4.7Gb in DVD hub. :)
  12. Freeze

    Smth with the Winamp toolbar?
  13. Odc Problem

    Problem is that things are unnatural - everywhere the newer is compatible with the older, only exception is DC. It's like XP to be unable to see FAT32 "since NTFS is better". :)
  14. [Crash]

    ...and the last 5 rows >> pwdc
  15. [support][0.2.2]doesn't finish connecting

    Yes, happened to me with some hubs. I suspect hub overload in such cases.
  16. Ignore for all users (even OPs)

    In addition, is it possible to take the above actions against all users, which send URL in their very first line? Acc to my experience, 99% of them are spammers, like "Hello, visit http://www.someUPS.com". A real friend IMHO would not start right with URL. :)
  17. Missing

    Oops, sorry. :)
  18. Remove file from queue

    See http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=279 HTH And hope the amp's solution works. :)
  19. Missing

    If you get any other answer, I guess it will be insulting. P. S. Cheating is not encouraged here AFAIK!
  20. It should be conncted with the speed indicators in General, or I'm wrong?
  21. [Support][0.2.0] partial connection

    Well, you look experienced to me, any other ideas from anyone? You probably know how to check whether you have real IP or not...
  22. Op-client ApexDC++

    Something similar was discussed, but I again can't find the topic. It was something connected with the PG plugin.
  23. [Support][0.2.0] partial connection

    In the Connection Settings, check "Update IP on startup" and "Don't allow hub/PnP to overwrite". Then reconnect. If the problem still exist, post again. :D
  24. RadoX toolbar for ApexDC

    My first guess is to check the location to which you copied the new toolbar...
  25. Reconnect to hub

    ...and for TLS. Maybe Lee means this one.