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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. Client Emulation

    @Staff - since this is happening from 0.4.0 to now, please consider moving to Bug Reports.
  2. Ban for Dynamic IPs

    For a small community it is effective to allow only registered to enter, and maybe disable self-registration.
  3. [BUG][1.0.0B4] dchub links bug

    "Vista is to have, not to work with..." :P
  4. Problems Downloading

    imo the post is fine, and only need to add that in case of a LAN hub, you should put the parameters Mikey described above in the corresponding section of hub's properties in Favorite hubs. So these won't affect the "internet" hubs you might be in.
  5. Searching will be done only once, when user initiates it manually. Some peeps may prefer it this way.
  6. Maybe avoiding constant search load for matches?
  7. window starting resized

  8. TCP connection failed but UDB passed

    1. I believe loco is using port 1234 for both TCP and UDP port nos., which makes sense and is often a workaround for Apex. 2. A "reliable" port should be some free port, not used by another application, and not used by popular services (like 80, 25, 110, 21, all these are to be avoided, Google for a better list). However my Apex DC++ works great on port TCP/UDP 30003, a 5 digit port. 3. Please do not wtf at people trying to help you. :blushing: HTH
  9. window starting resized

    Mine is set in the shortcut's properties to always start maximized.
  10. RSS downloader and Magnet handler questions

    Frankly, the above sounds a bit advanced for me, so I didn't replied on purpose. Hope smo will do it.
  11. If it is confirmed to always work, will be nice.
  12. Raw Commands

    Why not possible? Just write out the command in your Away message field...
  13. Pumping Downloading

    Hi, Usually it is better for the user to set the appropriate limits of transfer speeds. Setting are situated in File>Settings>Advanced>Limits. These should not be set too low, for the sake of sharing, and it is recommended to check "Show Limiter" in File>Settings>General. HTH
  14. AFAICR it was discussed, but can't remember what was the decision, or whether it was possible at all. I know how annoying this could be. A lame fix would be to PM the user and ask him to change the nick back or share with a separate client and the old nick esp. for you.
  15. Password and Login Problems

    ...and then put the password in your Fav Hub's Properties (hub staff will explain you). This is not recommended if you use a shared PC, however, but will save you typing the pass on each reconnect.
  16. TCP connection failed but UDB passed

    I had a similar case with my router, but then my DNS had exactly the same IP as the router's default -
  17. Priority Upload to certain user

    Definitely interesting! You are right, even leechers may change habits in order to be made favorite users by the good sharers. At least I do not see any harm for anyone :P
  18. Blocking all other connections but LAN?

    Another option is to run two hubs, but it is... stupid. Still, I felt obliged to point it. This will be worth to add in hub softs btw, if already not present in some... Netminder? He said Netlimiter.
  19. Search beahviour

    np, Guides are our bad, I am sorry that can't find a good explanation for your search problem...
  20. Priority Upload to certain user

    Imho this is rather bad than good idea, sharers of course deserve better attitude, but still we are not able to detect them properly. So this should wait, even total ratio is not a good method since FL downloads are counted, which spoils, more or less, the ratio of each OP.
  21. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    AFAICR Keine should be back soon, wasn't it in October?
  22. Search beahviour

    Usually hubs return different number of hits per different types of searches, esp. when passive user is searching. Might be this one. @Staff: 1. Please lock the Guides once and forever, so only Staff could "mess them up". Users may submit comments on Guides for approval just like the Guides. 2. As a consequence of 1. , and my semi-moderator rights (no rights in Guides), now I can't do anything with the misplaced Noctis's post. Please fix. :)
  23. Client Emulation

    What is the hub soft? Is it wise to speak with the hub's staff (is hub staff Apex-frendly)?
  24. Client Emulation

    Maybe it is some of the connection settings or other, influencing the string?
  25. Apex 1.0.0B4 an OP client?

    Right! ;)