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Posts posted by theinvoker

  1. I see.

    maybe you don't like if we speak about other clients but it's only to let you see if those things could be added or not,trying that client

    fulDC is not the best (no multidownload,bad looking) but sometimes they have nice ideas...

  2. What happens if you need a bot to register in a hub?

    you can choose not to ignore bots......i mean you can ignore bots like normal users,whith right-click in the user list,so you can choose if you want to ignore them or not.

  3. if this will be added it'll be nick based... (ps: read beta forum todolist :thumbsup:)

    new fulDC 6.76 can ignore Bots! it's very useful so we won't receive messages from Bots the settings there is a menu called "ignore" where it's possible to see all the users we have blocked.............NICE!

  4. The only disadvantage is that slot info is quite vital, maybe it deserves, if not a separate column, a more leading place in user description? F. ex., slots, then hubs as an ending.

    btw Lee, my PW 0.41 shows only total number of slots in userlist, maybe I've checked some wrong box in Settings... :blushing:

    in the column "description" everybody is free to write what they column "slots" there are only the total slots and not x/y

  5. 4. "Open own filelist", i don't think other functionality is needed, use win explorer to delete and organize

    But it would be nice if i could launch my file from my list (i mean songs or movies) like it happens for file just downloaded in "finished downloads"

  6. is it possible something like "autostart uploads if the file is already completed at XX% but i want max Y uploads overall"

    i think it should be quite similar to "autostart other uploads if speed is under XXX k/s" to do.

  7. i use it but my situation is very different if i connect on Fastweb's Hubs (fastweb is an italian ISP) or in public hubs.....

    I set slow users at 30k/s because when i download movies i only want to download from afaster users (and i fastweb's hubs i can find a lot of them) but to download metal mp3 i must connect on swedish hubs and 30 k/s for an mp3 is good.....

    I can't go to change the limit every time....

  8. i know....but i want to choose the source!

    if 20 users have the file file i want...when i click on them,the file starts from the user who connects first but maybe he's not the one i want (because of connection or number of free slots at that moment) so i must disconnet that user and wait and see if a good one connects

  9. as in the topic title i would like apexdc++ wouldn't gruop results of the extensions in the box of the ones we don't want to download with multidownload (sorry for the grammar ahahah)

    since we want to download those kind of files from only 1 user,it's not important to see how many users have the file we want

  10. at the moment dc++ doesn't remember our serches if we close...i would like it to do it

    another (more important) would be nice if we could set 2-3 searches combo......i mean,to be able to save 2-3 searches and load them easily......not the filename (hopefully always remembered by dc++) but connection,type,and size......

  11. Is it possible to add a feature that make us go in an user's queue only 1 time?

    I explain:

    It happens often tha user have a different tag in different hubs but dc++ recognize them as different when i search a file, in the results i may see that 13 users have that file but if i see the users theay are 4-5 because the other users are always those ones with different tags.....and the same in the transfer windows

    I would like to see the real number of users and not the total.....and i think IP can help you to make this feature