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Everything posted by Mikey_69

  1. Apex not working well with some clients...

    Oh goodie, thanks for the help =) Can never hurt to have a list of clients that may not work with your client of choice. Very few, which is very good...
  2. Apex not working well with some clients...

    ahh oki, so all newer clients should work fine? Zk, zion n all of those?
  3. Apex not working well with some clients...

    Yeah, but that is when Apex try to connect to one of them, but the other way around, which clients have problems connecting to Apex? I know that older clients, like 0.401 and such have probs due to TTH. But I've heard that some clients can't connect to Apex, for some reason... I thought Apex was really connection friendly, never gotten any grief over people who can't connect to me, but today I got some w(h)ine about that...
  4. Swedish Forum

    hehe, too obvious. Done, but now I got a throbbing headache Not even sure I wrote it all in Swedish hahaha
  5. Swedish Forum

    Lee, I've translated 2 guides so far, which would be changing to ApexDC++ from other client and upgrading Apex without data loss... Any more you'd guides you suggest I translate? Also, can you sticky them?
  6. Hur man uppgraderar ApexDC++ utan att förlora data.. En del av er har troligen upplevt problem med ApexDC++ uppgraderingar (Något på grund av att du inte vet hur man ska göra). De här problemen inkluderar en rensad nerladdnings kö (download queue), inställningar (settings), favoriter (favourites) etc. För att undvika dessa saker, följ nedanstående guide: Genom setup filen: 1. Ladda ner den senaste setup filen 2. Stäng ner ApexDC++ 3. Kör Setup och installera ApexDC++ till samma Program folder som tidigare (vanligtvis C:\Program\ApexDC++). 4. Setup filen kommer kontrollera huruvida du redan har en version av klienten redan installerad och sen installera de nödvändiga filerna för att uppgradera. 5. Kör ApexDC++ och du kommer köra den nyaste versionen. Genom binary filen 1. Ladda ner den senaste Binary filen 2. Stäng ner ApexDC++ 3. Extrahera ApexDC.exe och ApexDC.pdb till programfoldern och skriv över när frågad. 4. Starta ApexDC++ Relaterade guider: Backup script
  7. Byte från DC++ till ApexDC++ På grund av ApexDC++'s stigande popularitet kommer många användare byta från sin vanliga klient till ApexDC++. Följ de här enkla stegen för att spara dina nerladdningar och inställningar. Gå till din original klients program folder (C:\Program\DC++ eller \StrongDC++ t ex) Finn de följande filerna beroende på vad du vill spara: queue.xml (nerladdningar (väntande filer)) dcplusplus.xml (inställningar - inte rekommenderad då konflikter i mjukvara kan uppstå) favourites.xml (favourite users) hashdata.data and hashindex.xml (share hash data) adlsearch.xml (adl search inställningar) profiles.xml (klient detektions regler) Kopiera filerna till C:\Program\ApexDC++\Settings foldern Starta ApexDC++
  8. Swedish Forum

    Question regarding the swedish forum, what kind of sticky's do you want? There's yet to be a single post made in that forum and in the unlikely event that a Swedish user needs it, I can provide it... English is a mandatory class in Swedish schools, many speak english well enough as if it was their native language....
  9. ApexDC++ Usercommands

    UserCommands.rtf Here we go, they're unedited so there may be some Swedish baked in, but I can translate if you have questions...
  10. ApexDC++ Usercommands

    I got a whole bunch of user commands, tried to post them but wasn't allowed for some reason...
  11. What do you download?

    I download everything, movies, games, software, music, you name it I download it.... I passed 301gb in both download and upload long ago...
  12. Longest uptime?

    My record is 11 days, but that was when I was less active at the computer. Too much cpu activity and you wont get much over a week without things getting real choppy...
  13. PM Request....

    Well, the thing is, without a granted slot with the segmented downloads (which I for some reason can't get the client to stop using) I will get x segments which is 1mb each. And you will only get a certain number of those 1mb bits before the slot goes elsewhere. Multisource would be so much better if it would stop chopping everything up into 50 pieces. Can I prevent the client from doing this? I can't even keep slots for whole rar files...
  14. New Apex release?

    When is there going to be a new Apex version release? The 1.0.0 B2 just isn't working....
  15. Emulating DC++ Bug in 1.0.0Beta (1 and 2)

    Will do... thanks... ;)
  16. I have a favorite hub where I have to emulate DC++... and it worked fine on 0.4.0 but after upgrade to 1.0.0B 1 and later also 1.0.0B 2 I can't take filelists anymore... and the problem is just in that hub... which leads me to believe that the emulating feature isn't working 100%... When I select a user and choose "Get File List" Nothing happens, nothing at all, not even "Remote client..." They don't show up anywhere...