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Posts posted by Greg

  1. I did update to the newer version. I've been doing some research and found out that my search is only being limited by the number of results per user. I wanted to know if there was anyway to change that?

    Doesn't sound like it could be caused by anything in the client. Much more likely it's a limitation on the hub you're searching on. It's a bit weird that is only happens in ApexDC++ though. Have you tried other hubs?

  2. LOL Ynhub who cares about that hubsoft there are alternatives you know

    Yeah, we know there are alternatives, but Ynhub is probably just used for a lot of the hubs Zlobomir and Satan visit. It is generally quite easy to use and setup which seems to appeal to people. Hopefully it won't take long for the major hubsofts to update.

  3. use windows notepad, a great program which allows you to run as many instances as you like :P

    I tend to just use OneNote now, but even so, multiple Notepads would still be useful to some people I think. If there's not a lot of interest though then it's probably not worth implementing.

  4. This is linked to the catergories/labels in Favorites feature request, which has not been implemented and isn't on any todo list at the moment as far as I know... I would definitely use this feature if added. Likely something that would be cloned into most other clients.

    Hopefully it'll be seriously considered, but I doubt we'll be seeing it in the client any time soon at least.

  5. No Opera support. ;)

    Seems like a good idea though, but I don't say much for how they'd implemented it. If it takes up lots of space on the page and people can pretend to look like spacemen, I'm a little put-off.