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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Slots in userlist

    It can always be a user set option which can be overridden on a per hub basis (favorites... tick box or whatever)?
  2. DC:PRO type hub tree list

    Heh, we've got to stop dreaming. It'd be a nice feature, but we're not creating a new application here from scratch, it has it's limitations I would assume without rewriting parts.
  3. Marker Line

    Alright, well I just thought it'd be worth putting the link there for you check out. I'm no programmer but I assumed it was C.
  4. Fix: "Not enough space on disk"

    The thing is, his MBR had actually been repaired a few days previous (installed Linux and wiped MBR or whatever). Anyway, it doesn't really matter.
  5. Show us your desktop

    bbLean is the best one availble for Windows in my opinion, for styles/themes do take a look on deviantart. It's a very customizable shell. bbLean Plugins
  6. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    Heh, the wait is painfall... but worth it. :D
  7. Slots in userlist

    The problem with the total number of slots being shown in the description is this: 1) As stated you can't see the free slots. 2) You can't arrange by the about of (free?) slots.
  8. DC:PRO type hub tree list

    Yep, it's awesome, I believe the idea was taken from XChat? It's a shame it's a lot of work. Take a like at this: XChat screenshot That was made to show the marker line but it has the server tree layout enabled anyway. (Does Tree or Tab layout.)
  9. Marker Line

    This is a screenshot of how it is done in XChat: Click Me.
  10. Restore Last Session

    Yep and CraKter's idea isn't needed either, I believe messages are saved as they are posted/recieved.
  11. Marker Line

    *bump* Well XChat supports it and I must be missing something because I can't actually see what language it is coded in anywhere on the site, but it may well be C++. I know it's IRC and a totally different client but it is quite a nice feature, from my point of view at least. XChat: Click Here.
  12. IPB 2.1.5 and Update

    I thought it may get used or something but it doesn't. I've yet to see a forum where it does get used... if I do then fair enough I'll "take back" that statement. :blushing:
  13. IPB 2.1.5 and Update

  14. Show us your desktop

    To me simple isn't just what you see on the screen, it's also the RAM usage. Blackbox uses less RAM than explorer I think you'll find, even if you use the classic windows style most likely.
  15. Show total users and share

    Just add it all on and don't do it. Seriously, you can have another list of stuff for future versions possibly or something. If you get a good idea now I don't think you can really reject it, not put it in the first version sure, but just forget about seems kinda weird if it's good. Fair enough if an idea is just not good though. :blushing:
  16. Source PeerWeb language file to translate

    Nice to see that: 1) We have users who speak many different languages and assumably are from different countries. 2) That these users are willing to translate ApexDC++ and help the community.
  17. Fix: "Not enough space on disk"

    Linux is, in my opinion, better than Win PE, and I would rather use. Again, it's better just to boot up in safe-mode but for some reason this couldn't be done. Anyway, I think the size problem is less to do with movies (well ones that can be split at least), and more to do with DVD images for games and DVD-Rs (movies). NTFS is here so we don't have the filesize problem... hopefully Linux will be able to properly write to it sometime. ;)
  18. Switching from DC++ to ApexDC++

    Alright, good.
  19. Show us your desktop

    You guys idea of simple is always eye-candy simple. Not, simple simple. ;)
  20. A Bunch of Requests

    Hmm... well if what I was thinking of is possible then I think it would be enough really. You'd just need a bland/random icon for new icons which were added and then let peole change them to custom ones from there. I don't mean that the user can only use icons you package with ApexDC++, I mean normal .ICO files and such.
  21. Show us your desktop

    I thought it was trillian? I see you're a newsgroups user too. ;)
  22. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    Yes, but if they were to tell someone else that guess then they may post it here and be the one to get beta tester status. Anyway, we shouldn't be discussing it? :)
  23. 1,000 Members

    Heh for some reason I just checked. 138 Members have at least 1 post on the forum at the time of posting this, which is pretty good.
  24. Some off-topic chatter

    Well my site hasn't seen any development in going on 2 years so yeah. Anyway, I doubt hte fan of the week thing is only for megafanclub members, seeing as it was around before the fan club. :)
  25. printesa

    Heh, well thanks for the translation... a rather odd thread though? :w00t: