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Posts posted by Seeker

  1. You people are so clueless.

    RTM = Release to Manufacturers

    I am subscribed to MSDN and it is OFFICIAL RELEASE!

    Get with the program blind mice!

    I've got RTM too, though i ain't a MSDN subscriber (borrowed it from a friend :whistling:), unactivated Vista isn't an illegal software, we know that, but don't be rude.

  2. Seems that your layout is broken, but i don't know why is this happening (maybe cause i'm using 1024x768?)...

    Drop-down boxes are a good alternative :)

    EDIT: tested here now, and, with 800x600, the layout is messed. Here :


    this really is not an issue, what did you expect on such low resolutions? unless you want bulletproof designed website. but then forget the designed part :)

  3. Solving the forcibly closed connection

    Statement of problem

    Some hubs have problems with the new connection types and when you connect to such hub you get "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."


    You must use the old connection types (and not use emulation for now).To change your current connection type:

    • 1. Go to Settings (General tab).
      2. Select "Connection Type (old DC++ method)" and choose your connection.

    Here's an example:


    thats not true, i have it on that setting all the time, yet i still get "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

  4. The forum one is too busy in the header. I like the border on the front page one those for the news items and stuff. We'll eventually have a menu in the forum header I think, cheers for the concept image. :blushing: That process could be done quicker if you want to do it, me and Crise are busy right now.

    sure, i can find time to do it. how do we proceed?

  5. Seeker, the homepage link is top left. :blushing:

    yeah i barely saw it. having a header navigation same for both forums and main-site would be useful. consider my proposal. its just a little modification of the current skin.



  6. i have almost no objections to the IPB (the code and functionality part) its ok. but the design and layout hasn't changed much over the default one, in my opinion its still the default ugly one with slightly changed colors.

    i don't expect anything to change as its pain in the ass. you fine ppl are better of developing the client.

    but in case there is interest in improving this place, id recommend a new visual identity. integration of main-site with forums, design and layout wise. its not that complicated, just a bit of a shell on top of forums and main-site and a few well placed links. like from forums you have no link to the main-site, or if there is one its totally out of the way hence why i didn't see it.

    my recommendation is a website redesign competition, since this place has grown, i think there would be interest. I'm first to volunteer!!

  7. This is client specific, only Apex shows this - right?

    why not make it as [bold]Some Text[/bold] or something similar, and add 3 more icons beside the emoticon icon to quickly access them, B I U - instead of writing them manually. in esence like any other IM application.

    as this is only apex, there would be no confusion in any other clients, and many users while seeing this may even switch :)

    if this was already sugested please spare me the flamming :)

  8. i dont even have a remotely similar problem here, we still dont have "any" laws let alone strict ones about P2P, heh, our only good IPS even gives divx players for free uppon buyng one of their plans, i consider myself lucky, they dont throttle or limit P2P in any way. :) but having a feature that would trick them just in case they change, would be a welcome idea.

  9. Not sure if I follow... so here..

    You want to have an auto function, that pm's someone who is downloading from you with multiple instances from the same IP address... so say if user A had two connections to you you would send User A a PM requesting that he not download from both slots? However if User B has 1 connection to you not to send any pms?

    this is resonable. but too much of a hastle i think.

  10. No, Vista is out to businesses and pirates. Which means only a few people will be running ApexDC++ on Vista before January.

    ok, ok. dont be so jumpy. ill wait. its not like it isnt working at all.

  11. lol, i though that everyone knew Vista is already out :) guess not. retail version wont be any different then this one. there are already workarounds for activation. this is the real deal. Vista IS out.

  12. Im running Vista now for good. So i though if enough of us are, maybe its time we started sorting bugs and all the other stuff related to Vista.

    heres my report so far:

    some wierd GUI glitch at the end of the right side.

    also, share isnt working properly, when you tick the folders it doesent remember them.