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Posts posted by Lee

  1. Hi, I see people on my hub complaining that this is very confusing and I think the same. I don't know how much of upload remains. For example some people don't want to quit from hub if they see somebody downloading from them. So they are so kind that they stay online for the time when upload finish. Now there is no information about when upload finish.

    Yeah, the reason for this is the random segmentation approach. It's not possible to determine how much the uploader has currently, but we'll look into it for 2.0.

  2. Apologies for my late, late, response; I've had a lot of school work lately. OK when I type chkdsk c: / c into the cmd prompt, I get a message that says "Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode."

    Where do I proceed from here?

    Also, I've updated Apex to version 1.3.8, but I still have same problems as before.

    Make sure you run cmd in admin mode. Right click > administrator

  3. If you've only upgraded from a minor version there hasn't been any changes relating to this.

    dcppboot.xml is most likely your problem - unless you didnt use the installer? It points your settings to AppData rather than using ApexDC++/Settings

  4. Hi

    I hope someone can help me.

    I'm signed into DC++ but the connection is closed

    this is the message displayed

    [13:14:33] *** Connecting to arpmanet.ath.cx:4012...

    [13:14:33] *** Connected

    [13:14:33] <-VerliHub-> This Hub is running version 0.9.8c (Thu May 26 13:30:00 CEST 2005) of VerliHub (RunTime:7weeks 2hours ).

    [13:14:33] <-VerliHub-> This hub is enhanced by plugman for Verlihub.

    [13:14:34] *** Connection closed

    can anyone give advice?

    this message gets displayed over and over again

    I can't connect to the hub either.

  5. Dear, I upgraded to 1.3.8 as well and are not able to connect the ports I normally use on my router....in 1.3.6 this problem did not exist. Any suggestions?



    Please forward your TLS/TCP port in connection settings and let us know how you get on. :)

  6. @topic: Tab-completion - please be honest and tell how quickly you typing TAB when cycling thru nicks and how many times you pass that nick so you had to do another cycle - which means more TAB hits. Me many times! :)

    True, many times... :)

  7. The tab completion is nice, but surely it's not more productive. You have to hit more keys in order to get to a required username. Whereas the current tab completion method requires you just to hit the same key multiple times.

  8. Hi guys, usually I do update of Apex by replacing exe and pdb files. I did it this time again but now I can't download from people who has 1.3.8 updated same way. When I did clean install of 1.3.8 download works fine. Is this some kind of bug?

    Out of curiosity, do you have the TLS/TCP port forwarded?

  9. Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm in a hurry, but let me just answer to this shortcut question. Many people have set their shortcuts to "Run as admin" on windows 7 and when the shortcut is overwritten, this no longer applies, so they can't download anything again, and thus they revert to 1.3.6, blaming us for "instable versions", etc. I'm not sure is this the exact scenario why downloads don't work for them, but I guessed it could be that, because those that were complaining were all using win7/vista.

    Ok, but with users not changing it from default this will still happen. Best solution would be to get the exe to auto ask for UAC privileges ourselves.

  10. Thanks for the post burek.

    That hublist will be removed in the next version.

    Regarding advertisements, if you do not condone it then please use the alternative download (slim) method. This is exactly the reason we have these listed. I'd be interested in your ideas relating to "some kind of advertisement" that will keep project funded. OpenCandy is opt-in. E.g the user must select install recommended software in order to receive it. All you have to do is explain this in your guide.

    We may have unintentionally changed the filenames... I apologise.

    There has never been that option in the installer, but we can look into it. Why does it matter if your shortcut is overwritten?

  11. First of all thanks for the new release.

    Quick question to the devs or anyone else reading this.

    Has anyone noticed a unusually large number of connection time-outs in this release?

    We have one user who had to revert back to 1.3.6 because he kept on timing out to people he was prior to the update connected to and downloading from.

    Since he has reverted back he has no problems.

    And myself have noticed that when I try and get someones file list it times-out more often than not.


    The only thing that might have affected this is the TLS encryption settings in Advanced > Security. In 1.3.6, the third setting was not checked. Try unchecking it and see if it changes anything.

  12. We have released a security update to protect users from being directed to potential fake hubs through Openhublist and also removed the old AML client detection URL so nobody can misuse it. Users are open to being fed false information through both methods. This is a critical security update that every user should fix by downloading 1.3.8. There are a few other changes mentioned including encryption enabled by default and improvements to crash reporting system.

    We have skipped 1.3.7 because it is a fake version based on 1.3.6 and removes limiter rules. We advise all hub owners and operators to ban it.

    Download: ApexDC++ 1.3.8