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Everything posted by Satan

  1. Sharing different folders in different hubs

    ADC is being implemented slowly over a period of time so when it will be finished I don't think even the DC++ team know.
  2. I run Apex on Vista with no problems. Steady as a rock....
  3. HDD quote for incomplete files

    It used to be that the incomplete files didn't pre-allocate space. Now they do because this it is much more stable.
  4. Game: Guess the movie

    Guess? 300?
  5. Download from certain IP addresses only

    Add 132.*.*.* to the peerguradian blocklist.
  6. Defult icons in toolbar

    I would like the option too.
  7. For people in the UK on ADSL, I suggest entanet. It's reseller is ukfsn. Entanet have a policy not to throttle or shape in any way. How long that lasts remains to be seen.
  8. 700,000 downloads, soon 1 million

    Yeh I know, also, you gotta remember that a lot of people will have dl'ed the client more than once. When you hit 1,100,000 you will know for sure that 1,000,000 different people are using Apex.
  9. Cannot stay connected to hubs

    Try a different hub?
  10. [bug][1.0.0B4] --> freezing during "download to..."

    Go into Start>All Programs>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Disk Management see what it shows the drive as in there and report back.
  11. 700,000 downloads, soon 1 million

    We could always just dl it over and over :rolleyes:
  12. Game: Guess the DC++ client

    Nice I like the settings dialogue there. Makes it easy for users to see exactly what the dev works so hard on.
  13. banned for not using apex

    You got a hub address? I'd love to see a hub that forces apex.... :crying:
  14. Steal a fuldc feature?

    Tell the people to not be so nosey. It's none of their business what you use your drives for....
  15. 1.0.0B4 Crash

    IS that even related to this fault? :S
  16. New User

    For the most part yes, apparently segmented downloads are off in emu hubs but it segs for me....
  17. New User

    Try turning on emulation and see if it makes a difference.
  18. Most ISP's throttle, few don't. My ISP doesn't, but even that has it's issues, go onto the broadband status checker for my ISP at certain times of the day and the expecting speed can be as low as 2Mb. Now ask yourself, what would you prefer a throttled ISP where you could utilise your full connection speed on everything bar P2P? OR perhaps you are happy with this and don't want to be throttled period (this is me), if this is the case: 1. Go to an ISP with no throttling. 2. Go to an ISP with less severe throttling 3. Live with your current provider In the present day and age of 8Mb+ download speeds, you have to expect a certain degree of slowdown. At least until 21CN is present in the UK.
  19. Download Queue wiped out.

    You should really be looking at your PC rather than Apex, you PC shouldn't crash often enough for this to ever be an issue.
  20. Why do M$ do this?

    Well I guess, however, TVersity does not officially support vista. On the officially supports windows OS it asks you to turn media sharing off and uses it's own settings. So hopefully when it officially supports vista it will be like this too.
  21. Why do M$ do this?

    I just want to express my upset (and hopefully some of you will agree). I got around to bring my plasma TV that I kept in my 'home away from home' in belfast up to my real home. In the hope of utilising it with my 360. Fine, I can, BUT, in order to share media with it, I have to use WMP11. Now, I dont mind, MUCH! But I would prefer to not have to wait for hours for WMP11 to add all the stuff to my library. Why can't I just use the stuff straight from the PC, I mean, is the fact i'm using a MS Operating Sys not enough for good old Bill? Why must he force me to use his silly WMP to share my media? Just found TVersity, wayyy better!!!
  22. Ip of user

    There is an option to 'attempt to show users IP address in Main Chat' altho I dont know if it only works if you OP. I OP in all the hubs i'm in and it works fine for me....
  23. Close button

    Surely we could remove half the default DC++ options? There are bound to be some that next to no users ever use....
  24. Support VLC Media player

    Ur telling me crise, I get fed up having to update MSN+ everytime there is a new version of Live Mess even tho it adds nowt.... I tried it in mIRC all those years ago when I used it, annoyed me tbh.
  25. Why do M$ do this?

    I found TVersity which is much better and stops the need to use Media Library in WMP11 BUT I still need to enable media sharing in Vista which can only be done through WMP. I guess i'll just have to accept it :(