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Everything posted by Satan

  1. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    Type /help. You'll get a list.
  2. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    It's not really a big shouldn't be experiencing that many crashs. Work on fixing that first....losing 1Tb of data would be much worse than a simple text value.
  3. It should log it automatically. would seem like a windows problem. Apex saves an exceptionreport when it crashs itself, but if windows is shutting it down this wouldn't happen. Tried some general diagnostics on your pc? Defrag, malware check, chkdsk etc?
  4. bug in network code

    What is the problem with the code as it is? I wasn't aware of a bug, but i'm always glad of a fix, but what am I fixing?
  5. Apex freezing very often

    I dunno, I just think if it was a bug it would happen to more people.
  6. Apex freezing very often

    Sounds like a PC problem to me, tried to usual malware checks etc?
  7. Fastest Download Speed?

    Done a test in work recently, got this: I wish I had this connection at home!!!
  8. Do you get a crashlog?
  9. ApexDC++Sound - New version

    You guys seriously need to lighten up, you all take life wayyyy to seriously!
  10. Problem With Small File Size

    I am really at a loss here mate, sorry. What size is your file list out of interest?
  11. Problem With Small File Size

    But he's saying it does decrease his upload slots zlo.
  12. Problem when Reconnecting

    Seems very strange. I wonder does this affect standard DC++ also, or only apex/strong.
  13. ApexDC++ OP

    We do support ADC.
  14. Compiling ApexDC++

    Hey Lee/Crise, any chance of having this topic stickied? I think it's useful.
  15. Problem when Reconnecting

    Does it happen in other hubs?
  16. Problem With Small File Size

    In mine it just takes a small upload slot.
  17. ApexDC IS running under Wine (Linux)!

    I'll believe it when I see it :thumbsup:
  18. Problem when Reconnecting

    Does it happen only on Ptokax?
  19. Well I have posted about this before. Not so much a fix. But a temporary workaround. 1.Add the folders when they are there. 2. Close Apex 3. Go to settings and make DCPlusPlus.xml read only. Now when you open Apex the folders will still be there.
  20. Did StrongDC also change this? If so, test it on that. I'm not doubting you at all, i'm just wondering if it apex or strong code causing it.
  21. Linux ApexDC++

    Linux will prove difficult for beginners pro. If you want to learn to code on it, you'd be best with a background to coding to begin with. Better to become comfortable to use it out of KDE first then start coding on it. There are loads of linux forums around. They always prove the best place to learn.
  22. ApexDC IS running under Wine (Linux)!

    Which Linux kernal are you using? None of them fully support linux, some are better than others. But mostly, anything NTFS under linux will cause problems.
  23. window starting resized

    If you are maximising dc for it being in taskbar how many times are you clicking? If you are starting it from being off. It won't save your settings, this was a feature that was removed, not quite sure why but I believe it was causing a crash.
  24. Connection problems

    Well, try the laptop and see if you have the same results. Also, they may be blocking p2p anyway, ed2k and torrent can be encrypted whereas DC++ is not. Secondly, I would recommend checking your settings, main things to check are, the PC's Iinternal address (NOT the external address), the port's are forwarded to this address, also, reboot your router in case the rules have stopped working.
  25. CRASH v.1.0.1

    Hmm interesting, I run NOD32 on the laptop (AVG everywhere else), if it helps, I can run Apex on the Laptop for a bit to do some diagnostics?