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Everything posted by Satan

  1. about simoultaneus dl and speed limit

    DC is not supposed to be fast, it download's up to 15 items at once to make the speed. SO don't expect massive speed's from a single file. Unless it has a lot of peers.
  2. IP Updater

    Glad it's sorted. I believe this a common router flaw tbh. Mine is the same, sometimes my router seems to get 'mixed up' with it's rules. If I reset to factory and reconfig everything is works again. I have always used netgear so I don't know if it's there thing or not. Sometimes it doesn't seem to apply the rules correctly.
  3. Default Port that's not 0?

    DC used to have 1412 and 1414 set as default. What changed?
  4. LanParty Hub?

    I recommend it because it's what I use, your more than welcome to post ur own suggestions. Also, each user is more than capable of trying more than one.
  5. PeerGuardian settings explained

    Apex no longer supports it. Use IPGuard instead. Or download and run peerguardian separately.
  6. LanParty Hub?

    You didn't find a topic, because there isn't one, this isn't the right place for that question. You need to download a hubsoft. Try YnHub, it's my fave anyway.
  7. IP Updater

    Try using a port scanner. Radmin have a good free one. Good way to double check the ports are open. Make sure it is scanning all ports.
  8. Bracketed number in user list description

    Thats the number of free slots a user has.
  9. IP Updater

    Odd, how are you port's forwarded? The only time I have experienced such behaviour is when windows is resolving the IP and as you know, unless the IP matchs that in your forwarding rule it wont work.
  10. Segment size reporting bug

    SDC's or Apex's?
  11. IP Updater

    I dont enter anything into the WAN box or into faves, my active works fine in apex.
  12. forwarding

    How do you have two IP's? Do you have 2 separate internet connections?
  13. Segment size reporting bug

    Not a bug, it's meant to do this. It overlaps on segments when a user is faster. Or, in the scenario where you have no other users to dl from.
  14. IP Problems - Automatic Change

    In that case, I am not sure you can use DynDNS. Perhaps try to use port triggering to conteract the problem. But your not gunna have an easy time with this one. My advice would be to get a better ISP.
  15. Segment size reporting bug

    Sorry, i'm clearly missing something, what is wrong?
  16. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    Well, if you wanna take offence over nothing. Fine, don't expect help in here. Closed
  17. IP Problems - Automatic Change

    What you are describing is a dynamic IP. When it updates the data stops because your firewall does so. Either: Disable your firewall/port forwarding Use a service like DynDns so as an address is resolved rather than a number.
  18. Thanks Pothead, i'll turn this on, I find such features helpful :)
  19. Multiple Clients with different settings each

    Edit the DCPlusPlus.xml file manually. Make sure everything is pointing to the correct folders. Failing that, iono.
  20. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    I think you missed my point friend, what I was getting at, was, work on stopping the program crashing and this wont be a problem. Your Apex shouldn't be crashing as often as it seems to be.
  21. Only share certain folders with certain hubs

    I don't know about this feature, I just feel some nubs would abuse it and spoil it for all :)
  22. Disable Segmented Downloads

    Segment sizing will become dynamic in the next SDC release, however, at present, this is not possible.
  23. Weird, I didn't know this was an option, however, my Apex does not keep the history even with that option checked. Is there something else I should check also?
  24. Apex DC++ 1.0.1 crashes

    Also, do as zlo says, and check the event viewer (in windows, not apex). Sounds like fault hardware.
  25. Apex freezing very often

    Ah ha, NOW your onto something zlo, my friend. I too have experienced this. If you are having the problem with a download q item. Download for a few days in StrongDC (it does not suffer from this oddly) hopefully the file will finish then you can go back to apex. That is what I do anyway.