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Posts posted by Crise

  1. EDIT: if you don't reconnect the DNS change WONT take affect. .. a reconnect all would be a nice feature :blushing:

    based on my expirience they do, then again my ip changes about once per year (unless i manually change it) so my expiriences in this area are bit limited...

    and reconnect all, and reconnect disconnected will most likely be in ;)

  2. I use dyndns. if i change my dns record, i.e. update my ip address. do i need to reconnect to all the hubs im in for it to take affect.

    I'd say it won't fully be in effect until you reconnect, but if you are not there when update happens, i'd say things would still work pretty much fine. Anyone can give a better answer, if they want to :blushing:

  3. I thought of this funny idea of posting famous (or not so famous) quotes like:

    "Life was a lot simpler when we honored father and mother rather than all the major credit cards." - Robert Orben

    Let's see if this idea flies sky high or crashes down in a moment :blushing:

  4. I'd try it... most of the hubs I'm in I OP anyway, so a share isn't exactly required. I want a copy too. :blushing:

    EDIT: After a quick Google, PHPDC showed up but that does not have chat facilities.

    Well, there is also possibility of using mldonkey's core to access DC and use one of it's web frontends (newer looked if chatting is possible, though)

    Warning: mldonkey, sucks, it really does ;) (and nothing will ever change that)

  5. i think this is a would be a good feature to implement. It would also be nice if it (as an option) serve your share of http/ftp. However i get really nervous when ever i run a web server on my home PC, don't know why just paranoid.

    again another good solution, however my work firewall want allow certain traffic.

    I would find it quite useful to be able to login to my hub and chat even if i had a sudo-anonymousness username (e.g. guest1006). this would allow me to see whats going on in various hubs and if im in a support hub i would be able to support people while im at work

    there is/was a php script that has/had DC chat possibilities, with that you'd need to get an entry permission from hubowner though, as shares and such would be a prob with it :blushing:

  6. To be honest i would really like to see a web site which could (using AJAX) have access to DC chat facilities (main, maybe pm). I know web programming languages really well, my job is supporting web programmers, and this is something which i think would be really popular [sorry for going of topic a bit] but i would really appreciate a PM from anyone who has an idea on this (or perhaps the moderates might put this into its own thread :D

    moved, as asked because it indeed is out of our website's scope (as the idea with ApexDC++ website in the beginning was it to be simple and clean, or something like that)

  7. please feel free to treat 'this' post like spyke's

    nah, can't be bothered now, let's see if Lee can :D

    anyway to get this back on-topic what would you members like to see done on the website next?

  8. EDIT:when i started to write this response, Crise hadn't already responded, Doh. However i think i should mabey leave it here as it may still have some valid points. if you diagree crise/lee please send this to trash :P

    The new apex is going to be quit a bit different but we have to wait for the sdc release. The only changes that have been made to pwdc (as experiments) are quite minor or for the advanced user. Most users wouldn't even notice them.

    strongDC or DC 0.6** project fix a lot of the bugs so Crise* needs to wait for this release so that he is not wasting his time. This same dependencies means that he cant make [stable] improvements as they may not be compatible with sdc+

    *sorry if i have miss represented things

    not much at least :D

    as (almost) all code can be made compatible with the new sdc, so i could make some stable improvements... before sdc rc11, but since i'm not planning to merge to rc11, but to start fresh with it, making those improvements would be pretty much pointless. And as balder said the new sdc release is likely going to address huge ammount of bugs and issues as well, which i want to wait for :)

  9. What about testing some of the planned features on pwdc++ while waiting (with a public release of course), and maybe fixing some easier bugs in the process ? :P:D

    we are currently doing that, only difference is that we do it privately :)

    we don't fix any bugs though...

  10. I really like the new forum header and the style, great job guys! (I'd really like to learn how to make bars like the ones this forum is using, the gloss I mean).

    nerdcoregfx provides a good "glossification" tutorial :D

  11. Minor update:

    Just added the news rss feed in front page in a way that makes it work with firefox and other browsers supporting rss feeds (in other words added it as "alternate" to head tags)


    It is well worth watching to see the outcome of this situation it could set a precedent for the European countries (and the EU) which havn't already bowed to the pressure of American commerce. Also considering a lot of stable public hubs are based in Sweden it will be interesting to see what affect, if any, this has to the DC community

    well now it at least reads on that it "will be up and fully functional within a day or two" :D

  13. But, stable it shall be. I've not ran a more stable version than rc11 cvs.

    yes i know it will be stable, but i don't know if it'll still be worth of aporx. 1 year wait, exspecially when there is no end to be seen for that wait any time soon (and you know why there is no end to be seen for it), exspecially now when BM don't have as much time for SDC than he had before (that's the impression i got anyway)

  14. Now I'm curious as to what these modifications are, I'll assume they're frontpage/website related.

    nothing big, and most likely some things will still change around :)

    ps: see the main site :)

  15. We're doing some updates to the front page, some have already been completed and others are on the to-do list. Things we're hoping to achieve on the front page:

    • Displaying total views per announcement [completed]
    • Using IPB's date and time format to display date posted (e.g. 23 minutes ago, Yesterday, 15:03 AM/PM) [completed]
    • Fix the padding of lists [completed]
    • Reduce padding between ads [completed]
    • Ability for user to distinguish between a standard, new version, and update announcement (different colour) [completed]
    • Pinned topics stay at top of the news [completed]
    • For longer news posts only the first 200 words will be visible on front page (if 200 words is exeeded adds a read more link) [completed]
    • Fix padding of text after lists [completed]
    • Fix color errors, that were to appear if certain conditions were met [completed]
    • Add support for attachments [completed]
    • Move notifications and handy links from welcome panel to notification panel [completed]

    KP just supplied me with a new forum banner, so go check it out and post your thoughts! :)

    Edit: We're hoping to keep new versions and featured guides different colours for 7 days before they return back to their original grey so they stand out. This is why there is a Released tag on this news item. After 7 days it should default back to grey and we'll know it has been successful.

  16. Right-click then "Block content...", what do I miss in Firefox, the fact that it didn't work tell for me. I set it using extentions to mimic Opera for mouse shortcuts, opening stuff in new tab by default etc.. To be quite honest though, I have Firefox installed now with a load of extentions and admitted they have advanced somewhat since I used Firefox as my main browser. It's jsut small things, like when I go back a page in Opera it goes straight back to where I was on the page (maybe Firefox can do thsi too - but it's not something I feel I should search for), the fact that when I go back it just shows me what was in the cache rather than redownloading everything. Now, again this may be possible to do in Firefox with extentions or whatever, but once again I don't feel should have to search to do this. On the other hand that page from cache thing is something that caused problems with phpbb for me, if i edit a post I have to refresh the page after it redirects me back. The thing is, there's small differences which make it just a matter of preference. Lots of people (myself included I guess) will try and argue on one side often though. Either because they have nothing better to do, want to have there opinion/preference justicfied by others, or they just enjoy arguing, or maybe they genuinly feel the browser they use is streaks ahead and others should try it... or maybe they ahve a personal interest in it.

    I admit you have many valid points, as hunting extensions isn't that much of a fun, but even though Opera provides f.ex. block content, i rather use Adblock with the updater than block everything manually (or does opera provide the posibility to import filters or sync with filters on the web) same goes for Opera's sidebar i rather use aios + quicknote to mimic the sidebar opera has (mostly because aios looks a lot nicer than operas sidebar, and provides many aditional extra enchantments too)

    but enough with this alredy as you said it's a matter of personal preference, and that's it :)

    edit: one thing that came to my mind is that opera lacks stuff like userChrome.css and userContent.css, and with userContent.css you can get rid of the need to have few extensions...

  17. It is useful - I mean auto-resizable message box (or even static size) because it prevents stupid situations when You paste something more then you actually expected. This happens in lots of situations - when playing with copy-paste or scrolling typed message history...

    about character counter - kind of useful but not that much.

    my prev. post was mainly about the character counter, I'll figure some nice way to make the message box better, even if i have to break the current rather nice layout that i personally like pretty much :)

  18. Firefox is the award winning next generation browser from Mozilla. Firefox empowers you to browse faster, more safely, and more efficiently than with any other browser. Make the switch today - Firefox imports your Favorites, settings and other information, so you have nothing to lose.

      Changes in 2.0 Alpha 2:
    • Links default to opening in new tabs, not new windows
    • Close buttons now appear on every tab, and the close behaviour is slightly different
    • Inline spell checking in text boxes
    • Automatic restoration of your browsing session if there is a crash
    • Search suggestions now appear in the search box auto-complete for Google and Yahoo!
    • New search plugin manager for removing and re-ordering search engines
    • Improved support for previewing and subscribing to web feeds
    • New microsummaries feature for bookmarks
    • New Add-Ons manager improves the user interface for managing extensions and themes
    • Updates to the extension system to provide enhanced security and to allow for easier localization of extensions
    • New search service that supports Sherlock and OpenSearch engines
    • Support for SVG text using svg:textPath

      Changes in 2.0 Alpha 1:
    • Changes to tabbed browsing behavior
    • New data storage layer for bookmarks and history (using SQLlite)
    • Extended search plugin format
    • Updates to the extension system to provide enhanced security and to allow for easier localization of extensions
    • Support for SVG text using svg:textPath
