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Posts posted by Crise

  1. If the user is in another hub that you're in with your share visible, he will download it. Or, if you recently hid your share but users still have you in their download queue as a source. Unforntunately, there's no way of fixing this.

    Lee, i don't think he is using hide share, read his post...

  2. Guys.. if I am there you are welcome to contact me regarding these commands, TGO 2.0 had a similar problem seems the CVS/SVN (dont know which) for DC++ .691 and up uses the commands differently than the old style. for TGO 2.1 we totally redid the RC's and they work on every client now.. touch base with me or post on the Ascendent forums under TGO, and I will do what I can. but for that, Give as much detail as you can, commands, responses errors etc.. and I will help.. I am slow some days but its not working now for you, so it wont hurt for an extra couple hours wait some days.. Ascendent is putting together a dev team. and they will have knowledge similar to mine regarding this and far more.. Feel free to holler..

    Ascendent Forums

    (crise,lee and grogs.. if this is inappropriate, feel free to edit as needed)

    Sidetrack, no it's not inappropriate :ermm:

    Also i have already given basic instructions to Skalman, how you went and fixed usercommands in TGO, but i'm not too sure if i did such good job, so if he requests could you assist him, since you did it once, and probably know how to better give (easy to understand) instructions to people, than i do... (and i'm quite sure Skalman's problem is exactly same as the one you had with TGO usercommands)

    And unfortunetly i have no idea what could cause you problems, racky....

  3. Thank you for your answers so far...

    So it is used for ADC hubs... but what is the point of it?

    It's used to encrypt connections and transfers, but as ADC is still a draft this feature can be considered experimental and "in works" kind of feature...

  4. That's a .gif, program recognises .bmp only. And we're working on it.

    wrong Lee program regonizes ico, bmp, and in some cases even other common formats... (not that it takes advantage of the advanced features of these formats, but still)

  5. I was wondering to propose having multilanguage versions, but it's up to volunteers. ^_^ Why not even multilanguage forums?

    If we can find mods fpr such forums, and there is demmand, it's an idea worth of considering...

    I could translate itself roofing felt tell as to translate and than! I would translate and would lay out to you on a site! And still a question when version and what there changes or additions will be accessible? is older than 0.1.0 and versions with four digits are alphas

    Simply put the real version number for 0.1.0 is, but since certain bots and scripts can't handle version numbers with more than three digits last is hidden.

    Edit: here is an explanation for version numbers: major.minor.maintenance[.build]

  6. Nice idea, but isn't that going to need a .gif idea for animation?

    Edit: Split topic.

    It doesn't need to be animated just have a glow(ish) effect on it... (i'm sure that with most modern gfx apps you can prduce such effect)

  7. Oh. I'm sure BM said it was impossible with the current protocol.

    Maybe with the protocol, but it could be done by saving the info of the user's hub when he is still online and then when he goes offline display that saved info, but this is plain ugly, and uses unneeded resourcess so i'm not doing it this way...

  8. I don't believe there's a colour Grogs and I didn't try. :) Maybe a darkish green would work, we tried a light green.

    Then it was too light, also i just got this idea of adding some sort of glow effect to new PM icon, wonder how that would look :)

  9. live with slow transfer ? and then lives with 10 slow transfers and eat all slots in the network so nobody can download anything? You just don't realize that DC is about sharing and not about downloading!!!

    I completly agree, and i believe so will Lee and all the other members of Staff for that matter...

    DeathStalker77: Also if this topic will start to look like it's going anywhere near the way the topic over at SDC forums went, I don't hesitate to lock this topic.

  10. I think lots of people would like to have an "Open downloads directory" button in toolbar.

    Fine by me, but we need an icon for it first. Greg any chance you could wip something up ;)