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Everything posted by Crise

  1. offtopic: variables in away msg.

    How 'bout putting it in PrivateFrame instead :D
  2. Users IP adresses

    Why do you need to get the IP of every single user? (assuming that you're not an operator)
  3. New release?

    balder, the dev page ain't there any more, it was deleted as it wasn't being used...
  4. [Bug] favorites.xml is ... gone

    Unfortunately that file is of no use to me... as for what could cause this there are more than 1000 different things on that list
  5. Users IP adresses

    Yes if the hub chooses to allow you to access them otherwise (hub operators/admins may have access to them, but regular users usually don't)
  6. [Bug] op menu bug

    I think i know why this happens, and if so it happens with latest vanilla DC++ as well. It's related to how the "flush" usercommand is handled...
  7. Released: ApexDC++ 0.2.2

    It does... here you go :)
  8. New release?

    I know... those three dots have a meaning tho.
  9. [Bug][0.2.2] favorites.xml dissapeares

    Here is how saving files works... It takes what it sees in favorite hubs (ie. all favorite hubs), and writes them to file named favorites.xml.tmp then it deletes favorites.xml, and renames favorites.xml.tmp to favorites.xml. (this way it's ensured that any changes you've done to favorite hubs will be saved on close) So if you see favorites.xml.tmp in your directory and no favorites.xml, that means only that the renaming of the file failed for some reeason and you can manually do the renaming afterwards...
  10. New release?

    Few reasons have been mentioned in this topic already... Hey! I didn't give such option You got that right Now you managed to confuse me big time... That comment was only half serious... ...
  11. New release?

    Open svn is out of question, as has been said earlier in this topic... and what comes to public betas, they are not likely to happen (I'm not saying we won't be having any public betas, but for now until otherwise stated, things stay as they are) You prefer getting nothing instead? Please read my post(s) again, you have managed to mis the point once again... I see nothing wrong with it, as long as the "mod of a mod" actually does something that makes difference... Now why should I spent my time studying about stuff, when i can be perfectly happy with the current system, and ensure that there is no complaints this way And an answer to that question has already been given :)
  12. [Bug], [0.2.2], download users queue mismatch

    There are few possible reasons for that, you can check why the other src's are not there by looking at "Readd source" (the reasons are usually listed there...)
  13. New release?

    DC++ has had major delays between some releases, they have an open svn that's true... but we don't and besides is a month (or a few) too much delay between software release, I think not especially considering what's the situation here. Lee has given you an update on this topic, as I also have in TGO main chat today... Most likely true, but I like the fact that you miss my point in that... They don't grow in trees, you know And how does this have anything to do with the quote you associated it with...
  14. New release?

    ...with fingers of one hand even ;)
  15. New release?

    Nah, we don't want to spoil the surprise from you And releasing more public previews won't happen, as none of us is working on this project full time, and especially now that Lee is at uni, I have many non-programming related tasks lined up also, and i doubt I'll ever get them all done... (mostly because I'm not used to doing them) That won't stop users from complaining plus I know how many don't read the sticky topics / forum rules at all...
  16. New release?

    Well the problem is that you don't need to know how to compile a cvs version (or in our case svn version) to get it as many people are so kind out there that they redistribute compiled builds, and thus users using them doesn't necessarily have any idea of what kind of build he or she is using... thus causing a headache for us. And as Lee said we won't be having public svn, we never had one, and never will... so it's pointless to ask. (and just to make clear nothing requires us to have one either) Side note, regarding subscriptions: also as per GPL asking money for download (and in our case also usage) rights for GPL'ed software is also allowed... and besides subscriptions are to support the project mainly, not to get access to development builds (it's just an added treat) so we are not even technically asking any money for download rights, we merely provide a possibility for users to support ApexDC++ project and it's development, and of course we want to give something in return for their contribution. Also remember that anyone can per Staff decision be invited to become a Beta Tester, as some have already... Also before someone asks, what we look in a member when we consider inviting user as a tester... well I'm not going to tell you that as we don't want anyone to specifically aim to become a Beta Tester...
  17. Odc Problem

    Apex has TTH support, oDC is the one that doesn't have it (there is a version of oDC that has xml filelist support somewhere, but don't ask me where...)
  18. Download disconnects

    Long time? it's only bit over a month since your last release, i think...
  19. New release?

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, if you mean that StrongDC doesn't offer possibility to donate and get cvs'es that way, you're wrong as BM does accept donations Forced to be open source, again I'm not 100% sure what you mean here, but we are glad to be open source, and unless I'm not mistaken so is StrongDC++ also remember the reasons why cvs for SDC was closed... they were: to end the flow of complaints regarding cvs versions stability plus the one already mentioned by Lee. (if I'm wrong on this one feel free to correct me) If you mean we could learn from those that would mod our sources, you're right and we do that, there just isn't many mods of ApexDC++ yet.
  20. New release?

    We have our reasons, and they are good, even if i can't say them here :)
  21. [support] umlauts

    uncheck "Remove diacritic marks...." (and so on) in Settings > Appearance :ermm:
  22. Missing

    Eeh... Zlobomir, he is talking about the OP checking functions... that's a status/result message for it.
  23. I don't think it's in any way connected to those, and sure hope it never will... As so many users enter incorrect (usually higher) values there.
  24. Reconnect to hub

    Port for that hub? DC uses only one (or max two) ports, for tcp and udp connections...
  25. [Support]GeoIP flags

    You need to download the GeoIP database for them to be displayed (Help > GeoIP database update)