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Everything posted by Crise

  1. adding a repeat command

    If i got what you want correctly... try ctrl+up-arrow ^_^
  2. released mod-s8 of ApexDC++

    I'll leave that for Lee to decide.
  3. It does write them properly it's just that it doesn't keep the list (the one in settings and the one(s) in hubframe(s)) always in 100% sync with each other so something like this could happen, under certain conditions (but it shouldn't be too common), and i haven't yet figured out better way to keep them synced better, and i doubt that i will... (without other issues rising, that is). But in any case reconnect to a hub or refresh userlist and the lists are synced (these are the two events which you can manually trigger, there is few other too but those user can't affect to)
  4. From where did you adjust the ignore list?
  5. Tried to reproduce, without luck.. could you tell me exactly what you did for this to happen?
  6. Yes you can, don't share your (in)complete torrents (in case of completed torrents, seed first then share in ApexDC)
  7. [Support]Azureuz Magnet link failure

    Change option "Install magnet URI...." in Advanced settings of ApexDC
  8. Thanks for the details, now next question how many hubs you connected to? As when you have many hubs open the window "resizing" is known to happen for new hubs opened (this is an old issue that afaik is also in StrongDC) Also having too many tabs open at once could explain the problems with the tab area too... but regarding opening your own filelist i simply have no clue of what could cause that.
  9. Linux version?
  10. I can't see anything like what you mentioned above...
  11. Better directory error report

    It's a standard windows erro message used, so it should be good enough
  12. joins/parts user not visible

    Both of these issues has been discussed quite recently, please use the search function :)
  13. Get ip button doesn't even use Client::getLocalIp(), unless it has to (which shouldn't happen too often)
  14. Crash in 3.0

    Most of the time such feedback is generated, however this issue is known and has already been discussed...
  15. Maybe so, but adding sych option would be considered bad, plus lying thru tag is useless (unless you want to fake some of the info in the tag, such as hub counts)
  16. They do have the problem because they don't "know" ApexDC, so they most likely consider you as tagless client. (it's hub related, not client related, so the change must be done in hub side not client side) And as there already is the option to emulate DC++, you already have a working solution for this problem.
  17. Why to fix something that ain't broken, i wonder :)
  18. You can't get his filelist because you couldn't download from him anyways, and because oDC uses old .dclst (non-tth) filelists
  19. [bug] [0.3.0] Log filelist transfers

    They should be logged to up/down logs respectively, when that is turned on :)
  20. [bug] uncareful using shared menus

    Haven't have time to look into this yet :)
  21. Cannot seem to be able to reproduce...
  22. Show usernames and IPs in searchspy

    Configured is bit wrong word there, as you need to modify the src :)
  23. Some more info, thank you...
  24. Thanks, will look into it...
  25. [BUG] No joins shown

    Yes will check it... Edit: fixed (not that it really was a bug, but still)