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Everything posted by Crise

  1. LAN-only mode

    LAN's may wish to have their own hublists :crying: (though bit unlikely but possible)
  2. random crashes

    I do check out the changelogs for unofficial mods... but as for currently the source your mod is based on is very different from the source i am working on atm. because of some measures i had to do in the near past :crying:
  3. Stop Mainchat

    there is option suppress main chat already...
  4. ApexDC 0.4.0 randomly crashes #2

    Debug mode means compiling a debug build...
  5. Temp Sharing

    or eve better just share and don't limit and download a bit on the side of that :crying:
  6. no delay when reconnecting to user

    true as the requested "no delay" behavior won't be added... there are entirely different clients that have features such as these (commonly referenced as faker/leecher clients by hub operators... especially when they writing the kick reason for the user using such client)
  7. Well i had to start at some point, though i don't be making it a habit so don't worry :D
  8. Temp Sharing

    Your temp files are only shared to those that request them. It's a feature called partial file sharing and only way to turn it off is to disable segmented downloads (and yes segmented downloads are same as multiple source downloading)
  9. Hacked Client: no lock & pk

    Well this is no longer an issue... it was a small issue on the clients side (was fixed in 0.4.0)
  10. Well the problem is that most of the code isn't actually my code, the features i have added are just a drop in the ocean (since we are just a mere mod) StrongDC and thus ApexDC does has regexp support in it's detection parts, but as far as I know it's not generally usable with Re: trigger, not in adlsearch anyways But this is what was asked so here it is (or actually has been quite sometime by now):
  11. If you run PeerGuardian you don't need the plugin, thus it's disabled... Edit: and for me the PGP works (and loads) just fine with anti-p2p list (6,5 mb roughly, being the level 1 list from bluetack), w/o much speed decrease... when i tested this.
  12. random crashes

    Not true, in regards to posts such as these, discussion can go on normally (besides only 2 topics from SMT have been locked)
  13. WMP Plugin

    if you want to use a chat command use /wmp (the switch in advanced makes the toolbar button use that + enables you to remote control your wmp with the other toolbar buttons)
  14. WMP Plugin

    aha, you using the toolbar button got to advanced and switch "Winamp" to "Windows Media Player"
  15. [Support] Can't compile

    How about compiling in release mode (as i forgot to change a property for the .h file on debug mode) :)
  16. WMP Plugin

    Funny as I use WMP 11 and apex doesn't say that to me, oh it supports anything newer than 9... What error you get exactly?
  17. why to waste resources into explaining when we can simply not do this at all (it just won't be enough of use as "Apex to Apex" feature)
  18. Features for Hub Owners

    Yes the commands are not there... and at least for now they won't be included either (has just finished including all our present features to clean StrongDC base... so not really feeling like doing anything right now)
  19. next version

    Yeah that's it :P
  20. next version

    uhh... Well you see we probably got bit stuck to the preview phase... and as for there being 6 previews that's not correct, because 0.2.x were minor and/or maintenance releases for preview release 2.... we use the following version numbering scheme: Major.Minor.Maintenance[.Build]
  21. If i remember right you can't switch a transfer that was started as segmented to non segmented one... hence the 1 segment menuitem is disabled in download queue :D
  22. Features for Hub Owners

    Well maybe but i'm just too lazy to change that so you have to live with this (as users don't necessarily need to enable the option in fake detector page in the first place)
  23. probably it would count four yes, if that used is supposed to be user, that is :)