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Everything posted by Crise

  1. If I responded to every feature request in these forums it would take way too much of my time, I do read them through though... as for this one I agree with points presented by Kryppy, since DC is very much chat oriented I don't think such option as this is necessary.
  2. User Commands

    It is easy, I just don't want to do it... because when it is done without submenu the menu has to be cleaned after each display... while with submenu it is just a matter of destroying the submenu.
  3. Compiling ApexDC++

    I use Visual Studio 2008 Professional to compile ApexDC, yes...
  4. Previewing problem

    This is something that has been fixed in StrongDC 2.11... you should see a new release of ApexDC merged to it in the upcoming week :)
  5. About your tester icon, that mod got lost in forum upgrade, and I have been to lazy to redo it :thumbsup:
  6. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Oh it does work with properly configured bind address, as I am using it with such setup :thumbsup:
  7. please help, cant get into any hubs

    Do you use socks5?
  8. Does'nt send chat to ADC hubs

    Mine works with ADC just fine, I need a specific test case
  9. Why forcing ApexDC++ update?

    We wish to ensure all beta users are using up to date version... use the last stable version (0.4.0 st the time of writing this) to avoid these issues until 1.0.0 Final is out.
  10. User Commands

    Maybe but a developer also has to think how stuff looks as code....
  11. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 5

    It doesn't contain any known security flaw, we we're just too lazy to write a proper message for it, so it uses the default, which is the "Your version of ApexDC++ contains a serious bug...." one.
  12. [1.0.0B5] Virtualisation mode on Vista

    How about you install it in different place then, eh? PS: I can't possibly know what is wrong with it as I don't use vista :thumbsup:
  13. Dynamic updates for IpGuard

    No, because one reason I made ipguard is exactly to get rid of PG blocklists (as most of the entries in the PG blocklist are irrelevant for DC).
  14. User Commands

    the submenu stays...
  15. Missing

    Filelist refresh should solve false positives in this case (ie. I'd imagine what you mean happens in a the situation where $MyINFO updates faster than the actual physical file)
  16. Fact here, it is exactly up to client developers to do those decisions... if there is a possibility that a feature may have negative effect on the network in a wider scale it should not be implanted at all.
  17. Notepads

    Sure but if I'd add this... I would have it with multiple files... but only one frame (then use eg. dropdown list in frame to switch between files) imo. this beats multiple frames any day.
  18. Area 51 open: 1.0.0 Beta 5

    Probably not that many anymore ;)
  19. Temp Sharing

    Supported by DC++ :thumbsup: (whether hub owners accept it or not is a different story though)
  20. command line

    firs of all... there is option minimize to tray (so no command line switch for that) and secondly use windows shortcuts to control window states (minimized, maximized, normal)
  21. Some /wmp command bug

    No you don't we get the metadata from the files (or from windows media player, which get's it usually from the files, to be exact) If "WM/AlbumArtist" returns band, then I have no power over that... It already does it so that if "WM/AlbumArtist" returns empty "Author" is used as fallback (I chose the order according to msdn documentation) but that is all I can do :)
  22. 2 features. (just two!)

    Just to clarify, PeerWeb DC++ never had kad... And the first feature requested is puerly cosmetical as far as I can see... I could bet it's that in reverse connect too (ie. no performance nor bandwidth save). But I don't think I will do this feature, because in nmdc the pesudo cid's make each user to be considered different and there is no way to be absolutely certain if one user is the same or not in two different hubs...
  23. Funny "%" bug

    Added a workaround for this one, ie. for(string::size_type i = ret.find("%"); i != string::npos; i = ret.find("%", i)) { if(string("aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYzZ%").find(ret[i+1]) == string::npos) { ret.replace(i, 1, "%%"); } i += 2; } If anyone comes up with a better solution (other than telling users to learn to escape their % signs) feel free to tell :)
  24. Funny "%" bug

    yeah it's a bug in formatting time variables... in your case there is no valid variable after % so that's why this happens to use %-sign you should do %% :)
  25. Mark existing files when searching

    Well I can assure that such option will not be made (In other words I just effectively rejected this request entirely, just so things are not left unclear)