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Everything posted by Crise

  1. translations :blushing:
  2. HideShare and ADC users..?

    SDC doesn't have this functionality...
  3. HideShare and ADC users..?

    Not quite sure myself how it should be done for ADC, as I am no ADC guru...
  4. translations

    Go for it, as I am too lazy to do it myself anyways... so better if someone else does it.
  5. Can't connect to internet

    Well for starters you need to open the ports you set in settings, and second important note, do not attempt to use TLS (as in 99% of cases you even can't use it as it is something ADC specific, and most hubs today still operate on NMDC)
  6. IPGuard

    It is under the advanced settings group, to see it you need clicking the plus-sign next to it.
  7. [1.0.0][Bug] Disappearing Queue Items

    I looked at it yes but nothing worth to mention yet... and considering I just formated will probably take a while ;)
  8. Can't connect to internet

    Little request please state which protocol and hubsofts this issue is affecting...
  9. Password protection improvement

    Damn, never thought of that... :whistling: For Lee and Satan: This was originally a feature I did mainly to annoy my big brother, and even with this flaw it did the job pretty damn well :D
  10. Password protection improvement

    Against this, I don't think you can... other than by the means your os provides to you (separate user accounts etc.)
  11. Password protection improvement

    It's not a bug, it is something that cannot be fixed...
  12. Well if we added such field, people could tell when the file list is apex made and when not, so emulation would break effectively...
  13. Possibility to set own PID

    just edit the xml file, I do not see a need to have it in gui...
  14. well for starters that speed in general page has no impact on anything whatsoever... it is just info sent to hubs, but which has no real meaning on anything.
  15. user account control popping up when running 1.0.1

    Why should I fix something I intentionally changed? Then again, even though I provided a valid solution earlier in this topic, I can't stand your whining either.
  16. Windows Explorer Crashes

    define longer time...
  17. [bug][1.0.1] - Public hubs window

    We can't support every variation, so we support those that are most common...
  18. Compiling ApexDC++

    Here's the install.bat I use @echo off cd build\lib call "d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" call configure.bat -c msvc8 nmake /fmsvc.mak clean all nmake /fmsvc.mak install
  19. ApexDC 1.0.1 bugs

    Do you know what svn is? Anyways when we merge to SDC again it will be, that was Lee's point...
  20. [1.0.1 bug] Search Spy doesn't work

    Simple answer: you can't...
  21. AutoBan by users share or slots or etc

    Never going to happen.
  22. will look into it :rolleyes:
  23. ApexDC 1.0.1 not working for me

    Well if that is the case then I am out... my skills are not enough when we go into OS and hardware level this deep that any precautions of the system fail and all that is left for it is BSOD (especially when I have not seen this myself even). But well, considering that I have come this far... I am quite ok with it, as long as it works for me.
  24. ApexDC 1.0.1 not working for me

    Can you somehow connect the blue screen with Apex, for sure?
  25. [bug][1.0.1] - Public hubs window

    No point in doing such thing at all...