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Everything posted by Crise

  1. Search problem

    What Satan meant is that Apex "uses" many of the standard windows services (enabled by default), mainly networking related though... which means that unless you are experiencing other connectivity issues, it is very unlikely to be a problem with the services. Because there aren't any services used only by ApexDC.
  2. download queue question

    You can't, and there is a reason why it is like that...
  3. Bring back Media Toolbar !

    you still can share your music taste with other users... try /w or /winamp (or /wmp, /mpc wtc. orf other players)
  4. Scroll-lock

    it was not taken away, just changed to a more "standard" behavior... and btw. this was done by BM not us, not that it matters though :rolleyes:
  5. Unicode UTF-8 support

    ApexDC is unicode, it's just that NMDC protocol is not...
  6. I will look into it, I know one possible reason why it isn't there anymore...
  7. It's not a bug really, more like something that is just not done (ie. you could call it a missing feature).
  8. I don't mind, in this case (normally we do not handle anything mod related in these forums since they are apexdc only), though if you do that provide the source/patch as well (gpl).
  9. Flag or IP?

    well lets put it like this, ip is correct, but the assigned flag and country code both depend on your geoip database, also note that the flags listing inside apexdc (ie. which country code represents which flag) probably hasn't been updated in ages, so some errors may come due to that as well... I f.ex. remember seeing a country code assigned but no flag but the ?? because of this reason precisely...
  10. shared file filtering

    Sure, it was just bit cramped there when I added that, but that has now changed...
  11. Favorite Users

    this could be caused by NMDC and it's pesudo CID's, because when you make an nmdc user a fav user it will be hub specific due to the way the CIDs for NMDC users are made.
  12. Correction, you don't need to rehash in that scenario, just re-add it to the list of shared files... so I don't really see this a problem, because when the drive is unplugged it isn't there so we can't share it and thus the end result you described is sensible and to be expected.
  13. No Comment!

    Yeah, it isn't a typo if that's what you thought... besides typing errors like that can't really be considered as bugs because they are just typos...
  14. file lists of users with colers

    Well not sure if it does that today, but when I added that in Apex it didn't anyways...
  15. file lists of users with colers

    SDC only has coloring for alternates... apex has other coloring options too, and they haven't gone anywhere afaik
  16. Short magnet links [patch solution]

    Yes indeed I made my own version some time ago... but I'll look through this in case I can spot some ideas from it...
  17. wtf ?

    1.1.0 will be usable even after we release new version yes, same will be the case for further versions to come... forced upgrades only apply to beta versions (ie. if you choose to use betas, we ensure that you'll always use the latest beta) and versions with security issues or exploits.
  18. PM's

    Message is only moved to sent box if you opt to save such copy when sending a message afaik Regarding lack of response, it might be that when the notification about the new message arrives I've been busy and then before I get a chance to reply I have managed to forget about the message already.
  19. Maybe so but that doesn't excuse Pelink for it's own GPL violation in any way as far as I can see... It's about time to end this tug of war here... because quite frankly I don't have any obligation to tell anyone what I plan to do with Apex nor when I plan to do it. I have neither the time nor interest to reply in every feature request or bug report just to give a status update.
  20. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    And did you read this part, it meas less clear but not different... so OpenSSL is GPL compatible, case closed.
  21. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    If you have read BM's posts there is really no problem regarding OpenSSL, and if SDC has gotten a okay from DC++ devs regarding WTL (and I see no reason why this wouldn't be the case) that matter is also settled.
  22. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    You know PPK, that's too bad... if that will happen then it will happen, it's not like I have any means of stopping you. Besides there are plenty of other methods to distribute files aside SourceForge.
  23. Licenses violations by ApexDC++

    I'll be honest with you on this one PPK, I do not care... those are trivial things compared to the fact that many clients out there do not provide source code at all. Quite frankly I believe your time would be far better spent bothering those developers rather than us.
  24. This is no bug, for each .IFO file there is an identical file with different extension (.BUP) this is because the .BUP file is actually a backup of the .IFO file. The reason why Apex downloads only .BUP or .IFO and not both is exactly because of this... since ApexDC (and any modern DC client for that matter) uses TTH hashes to identify files and for identical files with only different name this hash is naturally one and the same.
  25. even completed downloads are available for partial sharing until next program restart...