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Posts posted by Pedja

  1. Dobrodošli na forum za podršku programu ApexDC++ na srpskom jeziku. Ovde možete zatražiti pomoć za problem koji imate, ukazati na grešku u programu ili predložiti neko unapređenje programa.

    Pre svega, cilj je da se formira korisnička grupa koja će u međusobnoj saradnji omogućiti svima bolje korišćenje ApexDC++ kao i dalje unapređenje ovog programa.

    Program možete preuzeti sa

    Postoje dve verzije programa: razvojna (unstable) i završena (stable). Preporuka je da uvek koristite završenu verziju, jer je ona čista od grešaka i pouzdanija.

    Instalaciju programa možete preuzeti u tri oblika: samoinstalirajući (setup), izvršni (binary) i izvorni kod (developers).

    Najlakše je i najbolje koristiti samoinstalirajući, jer je to jedan exe koji pokrenete i on obavi ceo postupak instalacije. Izvršni treba sami da raspakujete i onda pokrenete izvršnu datoteku programa, a izvorni kod treba da iskompajlirate i tek tada koristite.

    Ako vam uputstva na engleskom jeziku nisu dovoljna, možete iskoristiti Uputstvo za instalaciju i podešavanje ApexDC++ na srpskom jeziku.

  2. APexDC indeeduses a lot of memory. Right now I have freshly rebooted computer, ApexDC is conencted only to one DCHUB, tehre is no file transfer, search or any other activity, and it takes abut 15 megs of RAM.

    I also have a feeling that as longer it stays up, it takes more and more RAM.

  3. ApexDC allows binding to an IP address. By default it does not bind and accept connections on all addresses. If you put IP of your local network address, then it should accept connections only from local network.

  4. Here is suggestion for small but very practical improvement.

    On mouseover above username APex pops up windows with detailed data about user. That is very helpful. It would be good to extend taht info with description of user status. Status is shown with user icons, but it would be good if status is alos described (in text) within this popup ballon too.

  5. I agree with you that they should go away from DC, but it should be ensured by hubowners and OPs.

    That is the point. Decision is up to the hub owners not client developers. Apex developers are trying to force their own opinions through software. They make software which is basicaly incopatible with other DC clients and just make hard time to all of us.

    If some client are outdated then they should not be able to connect to DC at all. If they can connect and can download, then others should be able to connect and download from them. That is just that simple.

    It is not up to developer to decide who to I would connect and why. It is my decision and decision of hub owner.

  6. I prefer to say it is matter of consistency. If all other options work one way, then this one should to. so far rule for setting favourite hubs was simple: fill in only options that differ from general settings.

    It should at least, take value of genneral setting as default setting on new favourite hub setting.

  7. Yes but to go back to an older style of hashing, would increase cpu usage immensely, mainly because now when ever you have to hash a file you have to do it twice in two different ways, keep two separate hash tables, etc. Now while I think backwards compat. is an awesome thing, there's only so far you can go.

    I totally agree with you. It there is better way, it should be used. Apex is the best DC client, it should be used. But it should not be enforced. If it is better it will be used by more and more people. It should promote better ways, and in time make everyone switch to better way, but it must stay compatible and operable on basic standard.

    Each DC client should be able to connect to other DC client. If user needs to conenct he wil sacrifice resources. I do not say you should not switch to better way, just to leave an option that old way may be used if needed. I cannot force someone to switch to Apex if Apex cannot work on his computer, but I should be able to set my SUPERIOR Apex DC client to work with old one.

  8. But it's not your right here. DC++ is about sharing and not only about downloading and there's big probability that you will share downloaded files.

    But it is stil not right of software author to enforce that rule. If some hub allows clients that allow sharing corrupted files, so be it. If hub does not want that risk, it will ban problematic clients. Apex authors have nthing to do with what I download and what I share. That is entirely my responsibility.

    After all what is next? Can we expect that Apex will enforce copyright protection and refuse to share or download anything that my be illegal? I do not want to download illegal stuff, so do I have legitimate right to demand Apex to protect me from that too by refusing to share illegal contents?

  9. I think, that remote preview will also cause lotta traffic, because you are downloading file anyway to preview it.

    Exaclty. Point is that when user wants to view file, it is enough if he uses view option, and DC knows that he has to downlad file first and then show it. It is just matter of usability.

  10. My idea is that slower source is abandoned only if there is faster available.


    you download file and Apex found five sources but uses only three (lets say that you set it to use max three DL slots). Apex should choose three fastest. If, during the time, one becames slower then one of two unused sources, Apex should swith to faster one.

    Point is that source usualy becomes slower in time because more other clients stat to download from it. So, switching to faster one frees him up and lets others download from him faster, and distributes traffic on all available sources.

    I believe this would positively affec overall functionality of DC network.

  11. Maybe this could be solved by introducing third applicatin, some kind of DC proxy, so if user is passive and cannot use anything to became visible (including portforwarding on his NAT) then he simply could set his DC client to use DC proxy which would make him virtualy active (as proxy should be set on public IP). This approach would work with any hub.

    DC proxies could be set by willing third parties, not even relatied to specific hub's (and of course they could choose who they would allow to use proxy and what hubs to connect to).

  12. I do not see what is the problem to save configuration into users Documents and Settings instead of Apex install directory. That way, each user will have his own settings, his own share and his own everything else, what is the point of multiuser funcionality of operating system.

    70% of computers connected on my hub are used by more than one person. Ant they all ask for an easy way to personalize DC for each person.

  13. I second this request. It was always strange to me that we are able just to have link to hub instead of specific file.

    The most needed thing on web is to link to specific file, so when I write some article on web and want to point user what file to downlad I prefer giving him url that contains TTH of file, and optionaly hub, so he can run his DC client and search for that specific file I am referring to.

  14. We can't get their filelist because WE DO NOT WANT. :)

    You mean you do not want it?

    I am following your posts on this forum from the day I came here, and find you very irritating. You act as you know everything and everyone else is stupid. You set and force your own rules just because you can? you are acting as bully all the time, man.

    From my point of view, you act as Apex is the only good DC client and your goal is that everyone uses Apex.

    Open minded community looks for different clients which are compatible, and that is why standards are for. It is great that Apex has some more options but PLEASE do not force us to use them if we do not want to, or worse, if we need not to use them.

    By prohibiting interoperability among Apex and some other very popular DC clients you are actualy doing bad thing for whole DC community, the same one Microsoft does by using his position to force stuff.

    When we ask for some settings you declinebecause "that shoulkd be done by hub", and then you enforce some rules within client which indeed should be done nowhere else but on hub. If hub admins allows some DC client to connect, then all other clients on that hub shoyuld be able to connect to that client. That is all story. If hub admins do not want clients that use oDC, then, they will ban that client.

    All this goes in totaly different direction you are thinking of. More and more hubs do ban Apex.

  15. About the upload/downloads, do you mean the limiter? As that ratio is in force to stop people leeching.

    Why forcing your rules? On our hub, we are building quite large community. It is main goal of the hub, not download. We do not care if someone has anything shared or if he leeches, as long as he is online and contributes to the community. It is our hub policy. And we cannot enforce it because some forced policies are forced within clients?!?!?!

    If we want to enfoce limitations, we will do it through hub settings.

  16. I prefer if you leave me to decide if I want to risk corrupted files or not. Intul the latest version of Apex, it worked fine with all of other clients. Now, I have problem with some clients because they (by Apex) do not support TTH. Problem is that peopel use old computers, cannot instal the latest Apex since it won't work adn we actualy do not use DC for massive downlads, but for internal file share.

    It is ok to leave us an option to protect against corrupted download, but as long as it is AN OPTION.

    I have enough problems to convince peopel tpo use Apex as they clain when they do, they found out that they are banned from more and more other hubs. If it canot be used on our local hub just for these unreasonable limitations, it would be abandoned in time. If it makes unreasonable problems for us, we wil replace it with other one, which does not.

  17. I have problem with Show joins option. I have anebled it in settings but it does not work. Finaly I found out that I also have to enable it in Favourite hub connection settings too. This is contrary to other settings in Favourite hubs - if option is not set in favourite hub properties, default main setting is used instead.

    This option should behave in the same way. Otherwise, main setting for Show joins is obsolete because it is always overriden with Favourite hub property.

  18. This is a minur problem. Often I have reports from members of our net that they cannot download files and error rported is: "could not open target file: The system cannotfind the path".

    It ends up that they missconfigured downlaod path. The error message is right bit it does noe tpoint toobvious problem. Can you enhance it? For instance report exact path which causes the error. Users mostly think it was error on the side they are downloading from. Rpoerting local path would lead them to exact cause of the error much obviously.

  19. How can we disable this TTH check? We have users in LAN which cannot install Apex as it does not work on Windows 98. they are stuck with older DC clients, which were usable until now.