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Everything posted by Pedja
Can you, please allow us to use older version which does not crash. This time you forced us to download and use version which obviously does not work properly. Do not instruct me to report crashes as I simply have nothing to report - it just crashes all over. It happens regularly on several computers with no clues about the crash.
I had 1.2B, and automatic upgrade to 1.2.0 did not work. I tried at three computers. It said there is problem, someone else uses file (not mentioning which file, I guess main ApexDC++ executable) Someone mentioned issue about loading partial file lists from users. I had similar complaints from few people. When they download filelist (in usual way) they get just main directory and when they want to open subdirectory, ApexDC++ downloads it separately. That was in 1.2B. The cure was to revert back to 1.1. About forcing upgrades, well, enough is said. Lots of us think that is bad policy, but it would be as developers want it to be, including their rude behaviour. When developer qotes that he has no obligations, that is serious, as that quotes are used when there are no proper answers or arguments. It comes to "it is because I say so". But, here we heard the most ridiculous argument: Microsot forces upgrades by discontiuning his products, so we can do it too. Microsoft discontinues products some ten or more years after they are published and does not force usres to upgrade in any way. EVeryone is free to use which ever version he wants, includig decisions to patch or upgrade. You discontinue products every month or so, in a way that actually disables ApexDC++ and renders it unoperative. But, as you say, you do that, just because you can. In few last versions there is even no option to disable update check, so after you published beta versions all people were abusively informed about it, and as they did not want to upgrade to beta, they had to see that popup every time they start program.
This is useful for everyone, not just W7 users.
After I left ApexDC to downlaod files, I found out that some time later, all files were coloured in red with status 'no users to download from'. ApexDC simply stopped downloading files even when users with that files shgoed up again on server. I had to use Readd source option to activate file download. But, I had to do that on each single file in queue because Readd source option is not available if several files are selected. It should be.
[uputstvo] Šta znače oznake u pokazivaču statusa prenosa
Pedja posted a topic in Serbian / Srpski / Српски
Kada preuzimate ili šaljete datoteke, ApexDC++ u listi aktivnih prenosa grafički prikazuje kako napreduje prenos. Na grafikonu ispisuje i brojčane podatke a ispred tekst akoji opisuje status u uglastim zagradama se nalazi slovna oznaka. Značenje tih oznaka je sledeće: [T] = TTH datoteke je dostupan pa se u toku prenosa vrši i provera ispravnosti prenosa [Z] = prenos je kompresovan ZLIB protokolom [R] = u slučaju nastavka prenosa vrši se povraćaj (rollback) = prenos šifrovan uz proveru poverenja (trusted) [C] = Prenos u delićima = prenos šifrovan bez poverenja (untrusted) [P] = izvor ima samo deo datoteke -
Zavisno od vrste intenet konekcije, DC klijent morate podesiti da radi u aktivnom ilipasivnom rezimu. Sta su ovi rezimi, kaks epodesavaju i kako treba podesiti internet konekciju da se izbegne pasivni rezim iamte u uputstvu Povezivanje na DC HUB - aktivni i pasivni mod.
[упутство] Шта значе иконе у листи корисни
Pedja replied to Pedja's topic in Serbian / Srpski / Српски
Ako je ikona netacna odna prijavis bag. Za ostala pitanja nemam odgovor, sve sto sam znao tome ja sam napisao. U raspolozivim izvorima nisam nasao vise objasnjenja. -
Ikone prikazane ispred korisničkog imena mogu biti različite zavisno od vrste konekcije koju korisnik ima. S obzirom da sam korisnik u podešavanju svog klijenta podešava i način prikaza njegove konekcije to mnogo ne znači. Brzine su označene na sledeći način: Zelena ikona - korisnik ima link od 5mbit ili brži Žuta ikona - korisnik ima link od 0.1 do 2 mbit Crvena ikona - korsinik ima link od 0.01 do 0.1 mbit Međutim statuse ikona korisnik ne može da kontroliše a oni znače sledeće: Ikona upozorenja: brzina protoka prema korisnku je veoma spora, ispod 0.005mbit Bomba/mina: Korisnik ima upload konstantnom brzinom od 100 kBps ili većom Cigleni zid: korisnik je u pasivnom režimu Bleda ikona: korisnik je odsutan (away)
[uputstvo] Šta znače oznake u pokazivaču statusa prenosa
Pedja replied to Pedja's topic in Serbian / Srpski / Српски
Pojednostavljeno TTH je ceksum koji je izracunat na osnovu sadrzaja datoteke. Klijent koji preuzme datoteku moze da preusme i TTH uradi ponovno izracunavanje na preuzetoj datoteci i ako se TTH poklopi znaci da je sve ispravno preneseno. Uz to TTH se koristi da se pronadje sita datoteka kod drugih korsinika, jer jedna te ista datoteka kd svakog od njih ima isti TTH. TTH ne mora uvek biti dostupan, jer to zavisi koji je klijent sa druge strane - neki ne racunaju TTH. Zlib je protokol za kompresiju isto kao sto su to ZIP, ARJ, RAR i slicni. rollback znacida se nesto vraca na prethodnu tacku. Pretsptoavljam da u DC++ protokolu toznaci da ako se nastavlja prenos datoteke, da se prenos pocinje od poslednjeg ispravno preuzetog bloka. Nastavak prenosa je situaciaj da si poceo preuzimaej datoteke od nekoga pa je taj prenos prekinut, nebitno zbog cega. U mommentu kad aista daoteka bude raspolzovia kod bilo kog korsinika na hub-u, dc klijent nastavlja prenos od tog korisnika. Tako ti mzoes daostavis DC ukljucen danima, a on ce sam da se snadje i preuzima delove datoteke od koga god moze dok ne skine celu datoteku. -
Probao sam. Ne mogu ni ja da se zakacim. Ako taj hub radi onda je verovatno blokiran pristup preko IP-a.
Greška: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Pedja posted a topic in Serbian / Srpski / Српски
Ako vas hub isključuje sa porukom "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" probajte sledeće: Otvorite Files / Settings / General, uključite opciju Connection Type (old DC++ method) i podesite je. Restartujte program. ApexDC++ podrazumevano koristi novi način označavanja brzina linkova i moguće je da HUB ne prepoznaje oznaku pa zbog toga raskida vezu. Ako i posle ove izmene dobijate istu grešku onda je problem ili do vaše internet konekcije ili do samog HUB-a. Probajte sa nekom drugom verzijom ApexDC++ ili čak nekim drugim DC klijentom. -
Why startup option is removed? That was one of the greatest improvements lately. We had no problems with it, functional and realy useful.
I suggested this way to introduce what's new long time ago, but developers simply rejected it. I support this idea beacuse it does not ask for anu change in protocol, and it's 100% compatible with al DC++ clients, because it requires just imrpvement on ApexDC++ itself. However, introducing date field in files.xml is als not bad idea. I realy do not understand people who are concerned about fiel length. Date information length is really minor compared to everything else contained in files.xml. After all, we should ask that files.xml be compressed instead downloaded as plain text file. Compression would really cut down transfer duration.
Nonenglish language support should be visible on the first page. It is now burried to deep, noone would find it.
After I upgraded to 1.0.0 i found out two problems: a) file share was reset so I had to select shared directories again :thumbsup: I cannot change width of main chat chat and user list windows. Vertical separator among them is not clickable.
Ознака клијента изгледа овако: <ApexDC++ V:0.4.0,M:A,H:0/1/0,S:1,L:30> Шта значе ови знакови: V = Број верзије програма M = Да ли је клијент у активном или пасивном режиму рада. Може имати вредности A или P H = На колико је хубова клијент повезан, где је први број број јавних хубова, други је број приватних хубова а трећи ни ја не знам шта је :=) S = Број слотова за слање (upload slots) L = Ограничење брзине слања датотека (ако је клијент у активном режиму)
I second that. It is very usual that while I am in private chat with someone, someone else pops up and i tzpe in my reply in wrong private chat. It can even be embarrasing :)
Koliko znam ne postoji. Datoteku za prevodjenje mozes naci u temi http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=666
I can understand that ApexDC++ insists on informig user that there is new version, but forcin user to download it is really not understandable. What if user is not in position to upgrate at the moment? Why making Apex unusable until upgraded? You devastated our local community today. We use ApexDC for local communication within network. We have internet link but it is very slow. Today, all ApexDC clients found out that there is Beta 5, and they insisted that user must download it. Otherwise they were unable to start ApexDC++. Since link is slow, nobody was able to download and our community fell apart. peopel were unable to start DC and that meant they were unable to communicate to each other to find out alternate palces to get new version of Apex (as it was impossible to download it from Apex site). I am really pissed of....
You are really unsensitive to others points of view (as you prooved many times before). I can even understand that you force people to upgrade in some reasonable time frame, and not to shut down his version the first moment it finds out that there is an update. Give people 30 days or so so they can upgrade when tit is suitable to do so. What you do is emidiately shutting down application and cutting people off. You behave like everyone like you has unlimited internet access and can download whenever he likes to. It is simply that: you are selfish, you do not care about other people situation and opinion.
I believe you are the only one's to forces uch policy. If somoene decides to use beta, he problely does that because he need an option available in that beta ant not in stable release, and he found out stable enough beta to use it. If it works for him, why would you decide for him to upgrade? I cannon imagine nothing else but selfish reasons. It is just enough to warn user that there is new version outthere and offer him to download it. If he would follow is just his own decision. It is really incorrect to shut down his version just because you decide so. Even if you really inist on such illogical idea to force user to download new version, is it really necessary to disable his current version and thus make it unusable? What goal would you liek to achieve except tha tpeople would be irritatted enought to stop using your applciation. You are playing gods or what? After this today, I have realy strong pressure from the network members to ban ApexDC form our hubs. It is very close that you wil use few hundred users just on our hub... because if you insist, our network admins can play gods to, and simply decide to forbid ApexDC++ and force users to "chose" something else.
IP Guard is nice option. Here are few ideas: For each entry one should be able to set if that IP range is denied or allowed. Sometines it is needed to allow whole ip range and then deny just few IP's that belong to the same IP range. IP guard does not allow that. Default policy should be just that: default policy used when IP does not belong to any specified IP ranges. But if it belongs to some IP range, then it should be possible to set if that means IP is allowed or denied. Also, if would be good if we could use right click on user or connection and add that user's IP into IPguard. Next nice option would be to set rule in ipguard but with expiration, so we could temporary deny or allow some IP range. Rules should have option to be enabled or diabled, so if we want to temoprarily disable rule, we do not have to delete it from the rules list.
Chriss you show basic lack of will to understand problem. There is no proper solution but checking if IP changed from DC client itself. But as many other issupes. ApexDC++ developers do not care about problems that do not hit them.
This idea is already suggested and it is possible to be done on client, very easily. It would be very useful.