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Posts posted by diabolik2186

  1. I've noticed incorrect incoded strings in the (last) Italian File I downloaded, for instance :

    <String Name="AlreadyIgnored">L'Utente � gi� nella lista degli Utenti Ignorati!</String>
    Instead of :
    <String Name="AlreadyIgnored">L'Utente è già nella lista degli Utenti Ignorati!</String>

    There is the problem for the strings named :

    • "AlreadyIgnored"
    • "DontShareTempDirectory"
    • "FavoriteHubAlreadyExists"
    • "FavoriteHubDoesNotExist"
    • "InvalidTree"
    • "SuperUser"
    • "TthAlreadyShared"
    • "UpdaterStart"

    Maybe it's due to the downloading process, but it didn't happen with the french file I uploaded, which also uses encrytic characters.

    Please send PM or e-mail to me for next reporting... thumbsup.gif

  2. Hello, can somebody post 1.2.2 > 1.3.0 translation changelog? Thanks


    These are the differences between the version 1.2.2 and the version 1.3 in the language file...

    Added strings

    <String Name="AllowNatTraversal">Allow NAT Traversal for connections with passive users</String>
    <String Name="DirectoryIsHidden">Directory is hidden</String>
    <String Name="HublistCacheCorrupted">Cached hub list is corrupted or unsupported...</String>
    <String Name="HublistDownloadCorrupted">Downloaded hub list is corrupted or unsupported...</String>
    <String Name="ManageGroups">Manage Groups</String>
    <String Name="Message">Message</String>
    <String Name="SettingsDhtPort">DHT/UDP</String>
    <String Name="SettingsUpdateIp">Update IP on DHT firewall check (approx. every hour)</String>
    <String Name="SettingsMaxFilelistSize">Max Filelist size</String>
    <String Name="SslError">SSL Error</String>
    <String Name="TargetFileExists">File already exists at the target location</String>
    <String Name="TooLargeList">Greater than maximum filelist size</String>
    <String Name="Update">Update</String>
    <String Name="UploadQueue">Upload queue</String>
    <String Name="UseDht">Publish shared files on DHT and use it for searching alternate sources</String>
    <String Name="HideAntivir">Run as hidden</String>
    <String Name="DotHiddenFiles">Treat files with a leading dot as hidden (unix like hidden files)</String>
    <String Name="PsrFinishedDelay">Keep finished files available for partial searches (min)</String>
    Removed strings
    <String Name="LargerTargetFileExists"></String>
    <String Name="ListenerFailed"></String>
    <String Name="MenuSitesPeerweb"></String>
    <String Name="MenuSitesTan"></String>
    <String Name="MenuSitesGuide"></String>
    <String Name="ProfileVersion"></String>
    <String Name="ProfileCount"></String>
    <String Name="ProfileMessage"></String>
    <String Name="ShowSlots"></String>
    <String Name="CustDesc"></String>
    <String Name="UserCmdPreview"></String>
    <String Name="WaitingUsers"></String>
    <String Name="UpdateIp"></String>
    <String Name="Buffersize"></String>
    <String Name="NoEmotesLinks"></String>
    <String Name="ClientCheckingFinishedIdle"></String>
    <String Name="MaxTestsurs"></String>
    <String Name="CheckerClientBeforeFilelist"></String>
    <String Name="DontShareEmptyDirs"></String>
    <String Name="OnlyShareFullDirs"></String>
    <String Name="PluginReload"></String>

  3. vorrei scaricare il file ma il broswer mi da questo errore:

    "The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later."

    Qualche suggerimento?


    Pleasu use right click and select "Save target as..."

  4. Ciao...

    Per modificare la lingua al programma segui queste istruzioni...

    Una volta avviato il programma vai sull'icona della ruota dentata (Configure) e successivamente nella sezione Appearance. In fondo a questa lista troverai la dicitura Language File dove dovrai inserire il percorso relativo al File di lingua scaricato.

    Per avere sempre un File aggiornato ti consiglio comunque di far riferimento alla pagina del sito relativa alle personalizzazioni...


  5. Hello...

    I hope to have correctly post this my impression on that Client that it wants to be a suggestion too...

    As from title my topic object is The Limiter Function...I would propose, if possibile, to remove one, of two enclosed limits...in this moment this Function is doubly limited by Slot and the Speed chosen from the same users...

    Is possible remove the second limit...

    This request would help the users, that as me, are equips of a bad internet connection and they host their DC Hub, or other script, on the own local machine...

    This Feature could limit the use of NetLimiter (and other Monitoring Softoware) too...