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Everything posted by spyke

  1. Op-client ApexDC++

    I had gotten the client yesterday, but MSN Deleted it since it was an .exe Its a VERY rare client. As soon as I see the person I got it from, im getting it again. :D
  2. Op-client ApexDC++

    I only know one person who has it so im asuming ;)
  3. Op-client ApexDC++

    A client called FireDC++ has this feature of different filelists for different hubs.
  4. ApexDC++ OP

    Hey Pothead glad to see you found the ApexDC forums :)
  5. PM Messages

    This has already been discussed, its not possible without alot of new code ;)
  6. ApexDC++ OP

    Hmm.. I thought the Phoenix network is no more..OH wait that's fenix sorry about that but glad to see ya back SkyNet ;)
  7. ApexDC++ OP

    I have found a Legitimate non virused Sasser OP client here is the web address along with updated profiles for most dcdm clients http://www.bostream.nu/sulan/sasser/
  8. ApexDC++ OP

    hey Crise.... GET a avatar <_<
  9. ApexDC++ OP

    Hmm... Is this the same SkyNet that is Admin in TGO?
  10. ApexDC++ OP

    If you could either get one of AluMs clients or get ahold of him on DC [as I have been told he is still on under a different nick the detection is unbelieveable along with the Operator options in the client I have EDC and it is very nice even for an old client [only problem is... all of AluMs clients are 0.401] but still AluMs clients are unbelieveable if you could get a REAL one you are absolutely lucky [especially [ai]DC++
  11. ApexDC++ OP

    Hmmz my R2 has become obsolete :)
  12. Support: How does this work?

    This is a great op client, you will like using it for your hubs
  13. tell us who you are

    [quote name='logi
  14. ApexDC++ OP

    hmm alot of features would be nice for OP apex *gets list* Sasser source would be good was checking out the client earlier
  15. tell us who you are

    That has been sorted already, it wont happen again.
  16. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    <<<< Is OP there as well, I like to help people
  17. tell us who you are

    Nick/s: Spyke, §p¥K
  18. congratulations to me

    Great Job Balder :D
  19. PeerWeb crashes

    If Strong ever becomes a stable client...
  20. Mozilla Firefox 2.0 Alpha 2 (Bon Echo)

    you can tweak firefox to any extent by typing about:config and changing the settings around just make sure YOU know what you are doing
  21. How evil are you?

    *looks around* What?
  22. Show us your desktop

    Well this is my desktop using Sphere Xp its a cool program makes your Desktop 3D worth checking out
  23. Well put Lost Angel :thumbsup:
  24. how nerdy are you?

  25. How evil are you?

    You Are 84% Evil You're the most evil person you know. The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howevilareyouquiz/