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checkin for wan

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ok than u very much for including getting wan adress at launching apex but it would be great if you include feature which check for that wan adress every 15 or 30 minutes (or do it as a variable x) cuz my router usualy restart and reconect after 1 hour (so i get new wan ip from my ISP) so i cant download cuz apex is using still that old wan ip.

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I think you can use the dyndns updater for this, but really it will be good to have such feature built-in in Apex. Not very clever though, since you will need such tool in each web application (lots of resources), while the dyndns updater does it for the "whole PC".

And why your router restarts so often?

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I think you can use the dyndns updater for this, but really it will be good to have such feature built-in in Apex. Not very clever though, since you will need such tool in each web application (lots of resources), while the dyndns updater does it for the "whole PC".

i need it only in apex because i have set port forwarding for apex and other apps doesnt need to know it only apex discconect me when the adress in router is different from the adress in apex what is really often because of the router an dynamic ip

And why your router restarts so often?

its old useless crap ;)

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