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[Bug][0.3.0] Entering IP in the fav.hubs dialog

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When you enter your IP for some hub and press the right dot button (the one between the '0' and 'Enter') it show the dot as '+.'.

Here's an example:


BTW using the normal dot button (the one above the right 'Alt' button) everything shows right.

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For which field(s) exactly? All is fine for me...

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Damn, sorry - it looks like it was some kind of windows bug (or after i compiled apex by myself it disappeared but very unlikely though..).Now it doesnt happen.And im sure that i didnt press any other keys or somethin'.

BTW its for the IP filed in direct connection in fav.hubs.

You may delete the topic now ...and sorry again.Next time when i have found some bug ill restart my PC and see whether it still exists.

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