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Upload band splitting

5 posts in this topic

One thing terribly annoys me. I have 1Mbit upload speed. I have opened 5 slots.

Theoretically, a downloader must get 110Kb/5=12Kb download speed.

But practically we have someone who download with speed 40Kb and others with 2-7Kb (even though they do not download anything else).

Couldn't be more intellegent bandwidth splitting mechanism implemented, so everyone will download at they same speed based on opened and busy slots?

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One thing terribly annoys me. I have 1Mbit upload speed. I have opened 5 slots.

Theoretically, a downloader must get 110Kb/5=12Kb download speed.

But practically we have someone who download with speed 40Kb and others with 2-7Kb (even though they do not download anything else).

Couldn't be more intellegent bandwidth splitting mechanism implemented, so everyone will download at they same speed based on opened and busy slots?

Do you know exactly what are doing the people on the opposite side? Maybe for the 40Kb user you are the only source and 2-7Kb users have more sources?

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Theoretically it could be so, but practically i was noticed about some situations, where I was only source and user wasn't able to download faster, even though his down chanel wasn't full.

I'm thinking of this feature as some "Quality of Service" thingy for users who download from me.

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It has to do with the the connection they're making to you. Some people depending on their location, their ISP and other various factors just wont be able to make a good connection. Unless you're talking about a forceful connection where the other users were previously getting good speed from you and then the other guy got connected and started taking speed away from them. I've had that happen before. I suppose a Speed cap per peer could be implemented. but imo it would do more harm than good.

Say like this I have 90k line, and I cap individual peers to 30k a peice with three slots. You would think three users with 30k a piece right? What if one of them is on a slow line? So instead it's 30/30/5 and I'm only using 65kbs the rest of my bandwidth is then wasted and I HATE to waste my bandwidth...

Trying to reach the 1 tb mark by the end of the month. :)

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...But practically we have someone who download with speed 40Kb and others with 2-7Kb (even though they do not download anything else)....

This sentence left me with the impression that he knows all the downloaders and their speed limits.

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