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Clear information regarding XDC and AluMs AiDC

2 posts in this topic

Hi forummembers!

I read a few topics regarding this and there are guys here like Lansh/Lash or whatever it was that seems to bother telling ppl stuff that he aint got a clue around.

I mean XDC sure it was private and maybe 6 persons have it. It will never work off site because of IP/DNS/mac protection. It will never more work when I remove the crypto files from my webserver.

XDC has been on source 0.674 even before the initial launch of arnes release of 0.674. Something like 1-1,5 years ago. But little or no development has been made since then. XDC was put on ice about a year ago.

Regarding AluMs client. I know 4 ppl have it and 1 (me) got the source code to. Still all users are "friends" and those having AiDC also got XDC. Both clients are now put to history.

Regarding Client Detection I want to say a few words. Do not try to detect a certain client. Instead try to make it detect certain behaviours and from that standpoint let the hubowner choose which "behaviours" to ban. Trying to detect a client then banning that client will only lead to unwanted clients beeing left in the hub.

So put together a list like... Slotlock, no serch reply, no tth in list, no support for old clients (downloading), no support for SSL, supports multisource. This way there will be a better control for the OPs. I mean even fulDC can and is an unwanted client because of not supporting "old" clients with old downloadcode. But this bad behaviour will most likely not be possible to ban if you decide to ban clients and not behaviours.

For som inside information, I know there will be a new really good client out for public download quie t soon...:rolleyes:)

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xAyiDe, nice client I have pics of you 0.304 client looked awesome, even for an old client :rolleyes:

EDIT: Decided to be nice and post a pic of [ai]DC++ ^_^


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