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Do not share/upload what I download

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Greetings community

I'm using the always latest version of ApexDC++ and currently like it very much.

However, I've been baffled by one thing, and it's a big one.

Why does my client automatically upload all the files that I've downloaded, even if the following conditions are met:

1) the files are not downloaded into any shared folders

2) I've unchecked "add downloaded files to share automatically" (or however it was worded in the client)

I would very much like to disable this odd behavior. I _only_ wish to share files I've specifically allowed the client to share.

The most horrible thing is that even if I relaunch ApexDC++ or indeed any DC client, the files I downloaded are being shared without my permission to do so.

If this cannot be toggled off, are there some batch or VB scripts that I could use that would "flush" completed downloads away from ApexDC++ so it couldn't share them anymore?

Thank you very much for your help in this matter. Currently, this issue is hindering my ability to use this client at all.

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The most horrible thing is that even if I relaunch ApexDC++ or indeed any DC client, the files I downloaded are being shared without my permission to do so.

This is very odd. Are you absolutely sure the files aren't in a shared folder?

Otherwise, only the partial file sharing feature comes to my mind which often causes confusion - but the files shared this way are no longer shared when restarting the client.

To disable partial file sharing, you have to disable segmented downloads completely.

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This is very odd. Are you absolutely sure the files aren't in a shared folder?

Otherwise, only the partial file sharing feature comes to my mind which often causes confusion - but the files shared this way are no longer shared when restarting the client.

To disable partial file sharing, you have to disable segmented downloads completely.

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, my downloads go into DC Downloads on drive D, and my shared folder and all its subfolders is on drive M.

You mean to disable partial sharing, i.e. sharing of files that are not yet completed? As it stands, it functions much like BitTorrent, am I right? That I might be able to live it, but how I would like to not share files that are downloaded and finished, restart on client or not.

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I found an interesting piece on Settings, Advanced, and then Misc. It says "keep finished files available for partial searches (min)" and the default was 60.

It cannot be set to a value lower than 30. Is this my problem?

I might be able to make a batch script that moves files from the download directory elsewhere, unreachable by ApexDC++, every 10 seconds or so. Is this something I should look into?

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I found an interesting piece on Settings, Advanced, and then Misc. It says "keep finished files available for partial searches (min)" and the default was 60.

It cannot be set to a value lower than 30. Is this my problem?

This setting has to do with the partial file sharing (yes, it works like BitTorrent as you correctly guessed). It means that for 60 minutes (default) after completing the download, the file will be seeded for partial downloads - that means when someone search for its TTH, it will find the file stating that you are sharing it (however, it will not be visible by searching other way than using its TTH).

I really don't know what could cause your problem (and even that it is sharing the file between session). Maybe someone with more insight into this could provide a possible explanation.

What has now come into my mind is that you could try pressing Ctrl-O (opens your own filelist) and see what folders you are sharing.

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When downloading a file, you share that file no matter if the download folder is shared. If you move the file from share after it's finished downloading nobody can download it.

Sharing the files you download increases the overall speed. ;)

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